Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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As I understand it my blue sponges are toxic so thats why the fish leave it alone. The orange sponge was a favourite food and toy for the blue faced angel while I had him.

The Idol does hang upside down under rocks looking for wild sponges but I think my brine and mysis keeps him from going on any rampages. Besides as I have said this is a big tank so grazing does not seem to do anything brutal. I haven't seen him eating the orange sponge but I wouldn't put it past him to nibble a wee bit.


ahh thank you :) just asking to learn from you :)

I want to include sponges int he diet of my Idol, to give it a better chance at life ... since we can not duplicate the nutrition of a sponge through mysis and brine feedings.
I forgot to add, very, very nice tank. Based on your rock work which looks very nice and open, I put way to much rock in my tank.
Your photography shows your reef tank eye candy.
My avatar is a picture of my first grand children,words can not express the emotions of holding the child of your child,in this case two of them.I know I had my hands full with one at a time.My daughter so far enjoys the energy of twins,I don't think I could have done it.
My avatar is a picture of my first grand children,words can not express the emotions of holding the child of your child,in this case two of them.I know I had my hands full with one at a time.My daughter so far enjoys the energy of twins,I don't think I could have done it.

Awesome, great context.

I didn't think I would ever get through this thread, I would go to another page and more would show up. I wanted to go to the end and see where you were at but felt if you could take all the time to put this together for our benefit I could at least read it beginning to end (well probably middle).
I thought your Best Practices was a great idea but wondered if it could work with this forum. I must say that the Nineball Team and the rest of RC put that thought to shame.
I do wish that I would have had the benefit of all this wisdom when I first set up my little 300 gal reef as I would have done alot of things differently. When I tried to find a light fixture I wanted something that would look good hanging from the ceiling and also ended up modifing a Aqua-Medic from 3 250MH to 4. I think the first thing I will need to do is change out is my home water RO/DI system as it does seem to use resin way to fast. If or probably when I have questions I hope I can get answers here.
I appreciate all the info everyone has shared here and look forward to more in the future.

I forgot to add, very, very nice tank. Based on your rock work which looks very nice and open, I put way to much rock in my tank.
Your photography shows your reef tank eye candy.

Thank you very much Steve and thank you for joining the family. Membership does have its advantages so I'm sure you will enjoy the benefits of circling this tank with so many talented and committed individuals. In my opinion the RO/DI system is fundamental stuff for success in this hobby so you are wise to start there. I'll have more to say on the subject so stay tuned.



For months now I have felt that I have not been giving as much to this thread as would want to because I couldn't get into the rhythm of writing or I let the chaos weaving through my life interfere. There's a part of me that would like to be complete and comprehensive with every subject we cover but I never seem to be ready.

The consequence is that I don't contribute as much as I would like even though a significant amount of 'stuff' is happening here each and every day. So I'm going to take a brief break from being thoroughly ready and start a more fragmented stream of consciouness to keep everyone up to date.

What follows is sort of a poor man's excuse for a mid term review. I will try and keep the various subjects in short posts so that I can cover a lot of subjects and thoughts that don't have to wait for the perfect context.



For the first time since the whole project started I have felt the tank evolution get ahead of me. Things are now happening in the tank that are NOT a direct result of something Mr. Wilson or I have done or initiated. It was sort of a WOW moment that will remain a turning point for me in terms of how I look at our tank and this hobby.



I have made some changes to the practices affecting tank and system maintenance. The Bros Grimm who were absolutely pivotal in bringing our tank to life with daily care and maintenance and helping to define a suite of best practices that we follow today. We have reached a point on many processes that we are ready to examine them to amend our practice and evaluate the true impact. I have asked Mr. Wilson to take over the maintenance from the brothers Grimm to raise the priority and the effort to review our environment. I would like to thank the Brothers Grimm and Shimoda for their contribution. They will still be around and involved but not in the same capacity. Besides I think two of the brothers are living somewhere in my house rent free and living on fish food........



We have been very very busy with lights. As I have already mentioned in an earlier post, we have made the decision to go all in with LED's over the display tank as well as the mars bars in the fish room. The hospital tank has an experimental pair of LED's that I will be talking about in the near future. There is also a unique LED over the refugium which was evaluated as a separate issue when we were comparing various lighting configurations and types. We have decided for the moment to leave the plasmas over the Mangrove wall units as the plants are really starting to take off so why mess with success.

Based on real world experience and modest science we are comfortable that LED technology will work for our salt water mixed reef environment. I have tried my best to convey with my first year photo lessons the actual results of using LED's in this environment. For a lot of reasons I believe our choice of technology truly represents best practice for our tank.



I would like to say thanks again to the folks who continue to rate this thread so positively. I believe that it is truly a testament that a positive and supportive culture can be sustained for as long as this one has. Its not just the thread, it's the entire community. So everyone stand up and take a bow!!!!!!!

If I could I would give you all a perfect 5.


Always interesting to read your comments and perspective Peter, as well as Shawn.
Your tank is amazing and my father and I did greatly appreciate the opportunity to see your tank and system in person.

Always learning from forums and particular those who have such an interactive thread.

Thanks again, Joe from Windsor
Food for Thought........

Food for Thought........

Boy, have we ever been focused on food issues for our fish and coral inhabitants. We have invested a lot in time and money evaluating various products and procedures. There are a considerable number of alternatives that we are currently looking at but I can say with confidence that the cornerstone for best feeding practices is frequent but prudent amounts of nutrition delivered to the tank inhabitants that are best for the health of the fish and corals. The few definitive products that have my best practice endorsement are Reef Roids, Cyclopeeze, and decapsulated shrimp eggs. In the right proportion and amount the results can be very rewarding for the coral, fish and tank owners. We have been experimenting with various delivery systems and will be showing and writing about our progress in the near future.

As an aside Brine and Mysis shrimp are a main staple for the fish inhabitants and I spend an average of 90 minutes a day preparing food for the display and fish room. Most of that time is properly defrosting the frozen food with ro water to reduce the phosphates getting into the system. Given the amount of time it takes I have to admit that it is tempting to look for shortcuts but I have not had the same results when I stray from the best practice.

I really have to talk to Chingchai about his use of oyster eggs as I tried them and I am not sure how much or how often. I had to use a fair amount to measure any visible response and it felt like I would have to order it by the truckload to do any good.


Always interesting to read your comments and perspective Peter, as well as Shawn.
Your tank is amazing and my father and I did greatly appreciate the opportunity to see your tank and system in person.

Always learning from forums and particular those who have such an interactive thread.

Thanks again, Joe from Windsor

Thank you Joe. Good to hear from you, say Hi to your dad from Shawn and I.

As I recall you are using Chaeto in the fuge and sort of a mangrove sluice box on the wall to extract nutrients. Have you considered going to a full blown ATS?
Peter, I have read through most of this thread and I have to say that your system is breathtaking and inspiring. To take on a project of this magnitude must have been overwhelming but you and Mr. Wilson have created a masterpiece.
For the first time since the whole project started I have felt the tank evolution get ahead of me. Things are now happening in the tank that are NOT a direct result of something Mr. Wilson or I have done or initiated. It was sort of a WOW moment that will remain a turning point for me in terms of how I look at our tank and this hobby.


Can you give some examples please?
Peter, I have read through most of this thread and I have to say that your system is breathtaking and inspiring. To take on a project of this magnitude must have been overwhelming but you and Mr. Wilson have created a masterpiece.

Thank you. Considering we started out with a dixie cup and two goldfish, yes this has been quite the journey.

Can you give some examples please?

Various species of fish are breeding......pipefish, cardinals, clowns etc. We now have two generations of Cardinals all busy raising fry. New coral is growing out of the live rock that was native to the live rock and not the LFS. New forms of leafy algae native to the region of live rock....Jakarta has been appearing and providing great nesting material for the sea horses who appear to be breeding every night when the lights go out (that may be a slight embellishment of the truth). The corals appear to be experiencing exponential growth in some cases confronting my notion that all SPS lives in the form of a frag in size and shape. Some of the hard corals will at times look like they are on their way out.......loose colour or shape and then without warning pick up and flourish without any determined intervention on my or Mr. Wilson's part. There are occasional gotcha moments when the reef looks unfamiliar and that is probably the greatest sign that the reef is evolving independent of human intervention.

As I recall you are using Chaeto in the fuge and sort of a mangrove sluice box on the wall to extract nutrients. Have you considered going to a full blown ATS?

This was discussed at some length earlier in the thread and Mr. Wilson provided a somewhat complete analysis but I can not remember exactly where. You may have to try the search tools to find it. The hydroponic Mangrove/miracle mud wall units appear to be really picking up speed in this regard and we are going to be trying to quantify their effectiveness as we go forward.

Hey Peter...

Thanks for the thoughts. Fragmented or not, they are most welcomed! Maybe I missed this, but have you been able to set up a streaming video feed yet? I know that the bandwith was not to your liking at the time, if I recall correctly. However..... Much as your "Incomplete" thoughts are welcome and better than none, I would happily take whatever feed you are able to share, if you do decide to make that happen.

Continued success with this awesome reef!


PS - How's your pool game? Sounds like you dont have much time to practice with all the food straining lol.
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