what page has all the pic? lol went through a whole lot but didnt see any
what page has all the pic? lol went through a whole lot but didnt see any
no page could possibly have all the pics, keep looking, you'll get there.
if you go to nineball's member page on here there is a link to a slideshow. it's under the "contact info" tab.
Peter. I have the same commercial cannister filters as you do. Can I ask what the maintainence regime is with yours? Also how much does it restrict flow?
I have three of varying sizes the largest one looks to be the same size as yours. I was thinking of adding a small one inline with the oceans motions to try and cut down the risk of the OM jamming due to particulates but I dont want to impeed the flow too much.
Do you or any of your team have any thoughts?
Beautiful sheltie. I grew up with them and plan to have them in the future.
Hello to another fellow Canadian.
I was with my daughter today and she was watching finding nemo as I was driving and was wondering how many of the fish from the movie are currently in your tank Peter. I'm sure your don't have any great white sharks (yet!) or mako's, but just something that popped into my head today! To save time i copied the list of characters from the movie!
We need an update with pics.
Excellent family dogs and very loyal...especially if you have a few treats. Definitely one of the most intelligent breeds and let's face it, they are just such nice friendly dogs.
I'm from Ontario originally. How's the heatwave these days? The weather here has been more consistent but we will see how it goes in the rainy dark winter.
Peter. I have the same commercial cannister filters as you do. Can I ask what the maintainence regime is with yours? Also how much does it restrict flow?
I have three of varying sizes the largest one looks to be the same size as yours. I was thinking of adding a small one inline with the oceans motions to try and cut down the risk of the OM jamming due to particulates but I dont want to impeed the flow too much.
Do you or any of your team have any thoughts?
Believe it or not, I've never seen the movie. I really should before it becomes too dated. Your list helps.
√ Albert Brooks as Marlin, a Clownfish.
√ Elizabeth Perkins as Coral, a female Clownfish.
√ Alexander Gould as Nemo, a baby Clownfish.
√ Ellen DeGeneres as Dory, a Pacific Regal Blue Tang.
√ Willem Dafoe as Gill, a Moorish Idol.
X Brad Garrett as Bloat, a Pufferfish.
√ Allison Janney as Peach, a Starfish.
√ Austin Pendleton as Gurgle, a Royal Gramma.
√ Stephen Root as Bubbles, a Yellow Tang.
√ Vicki Lewis as Deb, a Damselfish, as well as Flo, her reflection.
√ Joe Ranft as Jacques, a Pacific Cleaner Shrimp.
X Bob Peterson as Mr. Ray, a Spotted Eagle Ray.
√ Jordy Ranft as Tad, a juvenile Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish.
√ Erica Beck as Pearl, a juvenile Flapjack Octopus.
X Erik Per Sullivan as Sheldon, a juvenile Seahorse.
X John Ratzenberger as the school of Moonfish.
√ Rove McManus as a Crab.
I think that the pufferfish and moonfish would be more reefsafe than an octopus.