Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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I am sorry about the Moorish Idols, the remaining one also looks underweight, they should not have that line across the body showing distinctly when they nice and plump.

I do think they need to be dewormed just like sand sifting gobies often do as they seem to have parasites in their gut that eat up most of their food before they can use it.I hope you do achieve success with them in the future , the longest i was able to keep one alive was 11 months , it was a greedy eater as well but here is where the problem came in one day it ate to many dry pellets which then swelled in its stomach causing an obstruction and probably an internal infection ( i now always soak pellets before i feed them)

The aquarium looks like a section of reef and is really just incredible well done!!

It was great to see the behind the scenes pictures too , what is the temperature of the room where the mangroves are kept and what is humidity like in there? Also is that a chiller under the chaeto sump?

Big thumbs up to all involved!!
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Even though it is in the strangest place in the world and the likelihood that there is not one decent seafood restaurant within a hundred miles I will be joining Mr. Wilson at the upcoming MACNA for the conference. I should be arriving by a pretend airplane in time for a dinner or drink (likely both) Thurs late afternoon.

I am looking forward to catching up with members of this thread so please make sure you approach me with the code phrase...."hey, you owe me a drink from last year".


I will see you there. I look forward to finally meeting you

I am sorry about the Moorish Idols, the remaining one also looks underweight, they should not have that line across the body showing distinctly when they nice and plump.

I do think they need to be dewormed just like sand sifting gobies often do as they seem to have parasites in their gut that eat up most of their food before they can use it.I hope you do achieve success with them in the future , the longest i was able to keep one alive was 11 months , it was a greedy eater as well but here is where the problem came in one day it ate to many dry pellets which then swelled in its stomach causing an obstruction and probably an internal infection ( i now always soak pellets before i feed them)

The aquarium looks like a section of reef and is really just incredible well done!!

It was great to see the behind the scenes pictures too , what is the temperature of the room where the mangroves are kept and what is humidity like in there? Also is that a chiller under the chaeto sump?

Big thumbs up to all involved!!

Thanks, We are keeping an eye on the idol and in fact are pleased with its progress in the tank. There was a blemish that may have come from a scrape in exploring the tank but it appeared severe initially but there has been a full recovery and the accompanying behaviour (eating and social) has been very very good.

The temp is 74 and the humidity is around 45%. Yes that is a chiller that we think we can take out eventually as apart from testing we have never needed it. The fish room is finished in marble which in my non scientific opinion acts as a powerful heat sink for the system. With the increase in reliance on LED's for the display tank the temperature appears to be experiencing fewer anomalies in temp. The range is 78 to 79 max. in the display tank.

If we decide we do need a chiller then I am going to do what should have been done in the first place and move the compressor outside.

I believe this was said earlier in this thread but a book needs to be made from the posts in this thread. Could have some of the best information in it you can find on the web.

Cheers to both Nineball and Mr.Wilson :beer:

Thank you. We have in fact been working towards refining the concrete information that this thread has been generating in a web site for folks to use as a reference. The major contributor has been Mr. Wilson who has given unselfishly of his time and energy waaaay above and beyond financial recompense to make this hobby a better place for all of us. One of the unsung heroes who has not been given enough recognition for his efforts has been Dave M who has done a phenomenal editing job to really make the information accessible and useful for all of us. He set up the web site and poured considerable effort for the benefit of this community. I owe him a sincere personal and public thank you for all the hard work. By the way Dave, are you going to MACNA??

We haven't released the site yet because Dave needs some input from Mr. Wilson on some content and Mr. Wilson has been dragging his a$$. So if anyone can help goad Mr. Wilson into getting the info to Dave we can finally release the site. Annnd there are a lot more pictures as well. So everyone please feel free to beg Mr. Wilson into completing the info request. If everyone who reads this posts a request to Mr. Wilson we can finally take this next important step.

nineball said:
By the way Dave, are you going to MACNA??
Thx for your kind words, Peter. At the moment I haven't enough money to buy a pot to p in let alone go larking about with the jetset to exotic coral hotspots such as Iowa. I don't even have a passport. Maybe if I win the lottery ...

nineball said:
So if anyone can help goad Mr. Wilson into getting the info to Dave we can finally release the site.
Please don't be too hard on Shawn. I can't afford to get on his bad side. :) Besides, the set-up keeps changing and I don't think he has made up his mind on a lot of things, yet. I'm sure things will gel in their own time.

How about we try again next week for a visit? I am free all week.


Thank you. We have in fact been working towards refining the concrete information that this thread has been generating in a web site for folks to use as a reference. The major contributor has been Mr. Wilson who has given unselfishly of his time and energy waaaay above and beyond financial recompense to make this hobby a better place for all of us. One of the unsung heroes who has not been given enough recognition for his efforts has been Dave M who has done a phenomenal editing job to really make the information accessible and useful for all of us. He set up the web site and poured considerable effort for the benefit of this community. I owe him a sincere personal and public thank you for all the hard work. By the way Dave, are you going to MACNA??

We haven't released the site yet because Dave needs some input from Mr. Wilson on some content and Mr. Wilson has been dragging his a$$. So if anyone can help goad Mr. Wilson into getting the info to Dave we can finally release the site. Annnd there are a lot more pictures as well. So everyone please feel free to beg Mr. Wilson into completing the info request. If everyone who reads this posts a request to Mr. Wilson we can finally take this next important step.


Peter, I will be at MACNA with eAquaria. I would love the opportunity to meet you. I'll PM you my details.
Thx for your kind words, Peter. At the moment I haven't enough money to buy a pot to p in let alone go larking about with the jetset to exotic coral hotspots such as Iowa. I don't even have a passport. Maybe if I win the lottery ...

Please don't be too hard on Shawn. I can't afford to get on his bad side. :) Besides, the set-up keeps changing and I don't think he has made up his mind on a lot of things, yet. I'm sure things will gel in their own time.

How about we try again next week for a visit? I am free all week.



Ok either Mon or Thursday......I'll let you know tomorrow after I check with Mr. Wilson.


I can't make a different beetwen sea and reef tank, it's look so natural scaping and color of coral, great job for both of you Peter & mr. Wilson


"Most Beautiful Life Form of Mother Nature"

I can't make a different beetwen sea and reef tank, it's look so natural scaping and color of coral, great job for both of you Peter & mr. Wilson


"Most Beautiful Life Form of Mother Nature"

Thank you Anton, that's a special compliment.

Peter & Mr. Wilson
shawn nice pictures looks like peters got some competition.

a note on the mangroves,i see some burnt tips on the leaves.
i have found by clipping those tips the plant becomes bushier and the plant becomes stronger. you may want to experiment with a plant and see if theres a difference.
i have tested for nitrates both above and taken from the mud.
water above the mud was undetectable,water from mud strained through a coffee filter was off the charts,i do believe this was feeding the roots of mangroves.
out of curiosity how much water is being changed,weekly or monthly.


We change 100 gallons every week. I have been waiting for a bit more growth before pinching leaves, but we are getting there. I just need to check the laws about smoking these things now :)
I have to admit, I have yet to post here on RC but have read your ENTIRE thread. So I must say: Job well done Peter. You have a great team behind you, and I'm positive your tank will be a benchmark of success to multitudes of other hobbyists. I have been thrilled to watch you put this system together and am right there with the crowd wishing I could do the same right now! Anyway, I'm sure I'll be posting here much more often and am looking forward to your progress as the tank matures and improvements to your systems are made.

Posts like this are one of my favourites to receive. It not only lets us know that you are all cheering from the stands (and death beds) to "win one more for the Gipper", it also gives us the pleasure that we have motivated you to step forward and post. The more we can flush out and get involved, the stronger the community becomes. We have a lot of geniuses out there in different fields and we have been very fortunate to receive some great advice from them along our journey... Thank you.
:wave: What is this?

Also, I feel sorry for the poor saps who will come along in 10-15 years to find all the photobucket hotlinks dead :/

Right now, it's a QT/HT for bigger fish. We like to be prepared for any kind of emergency or new arrival. As we progress it will probably be a non-photosynthetic reef. We will swap out the biofilter for a protein skimmer and add some additional flow and let the fun begin. It is lit by two Orphek PR 25, 12 watt lights. They are meant for nano tanks, but they do fine for fish only tanks that are deeper (32" deep in this case). I'm really happy with the 80/20 aluminum T-slot stand. It won't rust, it's high tech looking, and you don't have to wait for welding and powder coating. It's like an erector set for big kids, with a million options.

Don't worry about Photobucket, I will be ready to retire in 15 years and can supply all the photos for a small fee :)
I am sorry about the Moorish Idols, the remaining one also looks underweight, they should not have that line across the body showing distinctly when they nice and plump.

I do think they need to be dewormed just like sand sifting gobies often do as they seem to have parasites in their gut that eat up most of their food before they can use it.I hope you do achieve success with them in the future , the longest i was able to keep one alive was 11 months , it was a greedy eater as well but here is where the problem came in one day it ate to many dry pellets which then swelled in its stomach causing an obstruction and probably an internal infection ( i now always soak pellets before i feed them)

The aquarium looks like a section of reef and is really just incredible well done!!

It was great to see the behind the scenes pictures too , what is the temperature of the room where the mangroves are kept and what is humidity like in there? Also is that a chiller under the chaeto sump?

Big thumbs up to all involved!!

The Moorish Idols had 4-5 weeks of QT with metronidazole and praziquantel, but you never know if you got to the parasitic worms. We lost the Blonde naso tang to worms recently, they are always a concern.

The chiller was supplied by my predecessor. I don't ever use chillers on reef tanks. peter had it and wanted it for back-up so I installed it. We tried it once and it dropped the tank 1˚F and raised the fishroom 13˚F, so we unplugged it. The tank is at 27˚C now, and the temperature outside has been 30-36˚C.

I can't make a different beetwen sea and reef tank, it's look so natural scaping and color of coral, great job for both of you Peter & mr. Wilson


"Most Beautiful Life Form of Mother Nature"

Your comments are very flattering... then I read you are in Indonesia where our fish and coral comes from... now I'm really honoured!!!

I took a lot of similar pictures, but I'll go ahead and post them anyway and put them up on Peters hosting site for a slide show.
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