Active member
Hiya Peter et al.
I'm new to RC and researching a potential first tank. (Selling current home, planning to build next one, yada yada).
I wasn't going to post till I finished the thread, but it has been the better part of two weeks and I'm still not even half way through!
Thank you for sharing this great build - the wealth of knowledge of those contributing is astounding and your tank (so far in my reading your tank just now has water in it) is absolutely amazing. Much of the technical info is over my head at this point, but I will be certainly referring back to it as a tool when I am ready to build my 125 gallon (or 150, I hear 210!!!!).
ANYWHO, I am at the point in the thread where many of you were considering attending the 2010 MACNA in Orlando. My question is whether you considered the conference valuable and whether it would be to someone just (dreaming of) getting into the hobby. I have family in Des Moines and would consider rearranging my schedule to attend.
Looking forward to the rest of your tank build (from July 2010 on). This reads like a great novel - and I am trying very hard not to peek at the ending. :reading:
Stay with it Lia, it just keeps getting better. This is a challenging hobby for sure. It's expensive, time consuming, full of knowledge gaps and yet for those of us already on the path ...... hugely rewarding. I would not have started this build without Chingchai's example and the wonderful support from Reef Central members from all over the world. I have made some very special friendships with the hobby as the basis of our meeting. I believe that the MACNA is good for newbies in the sense that you get an impression fairly quickly that you are joining a hobby that is much bigger than your local fish store. Most of the folks attending are very supportive of new entrants into our community. The lectures are conducted by long time active members of this hobby who are well informed and incredibly accessible throughout the conference. I don't think you would regret attending and probably would get a lot of relationships established that will be helpful when you start your own build.
I have found that the folks who have taken the time to wade through most of the history of this build have not regretted it and most have become members of this extended family for all the right reasons. Tomorrow I will be releasing my new web site and making the announcement here. You might want to check back for that but in the meantime don't tell anybody.....let this be our little secret.
Welcome to the group Lia and welcome especially to the hobby.