if anyone asks, it's $10
There's been a lot in this thread that has blown me away.....the size, the scope, the amount of $$ being tossed around here and there....yikes...keeps me coming back for more, let me tell ya
.......and yeah, who doesn't wish it'll be them one day watching their tank being air-lifted through the back window of their house? LOL
That said, every time I read this thread, I get a bit more anxious about how this tank will pan out in the LONG run.
Then my heart starts racing harder when I read stuff like this:
You've been advised by many large reef tank keepers that it would probably be best to cook your rocks (especially for a super large tank!).....this is probably one of the biggest steps you can take to mitigate pest-related problems from arising in the future....and you're choosing to NOT do it??
You have no idea how fast those unwanted critters can multiply to the point where they stop becoming "interesting" and turn into something just plain, ugly, annoying or destructive.
I implore you to re-think this. That's all I gotta don't want these problems in the future....cook your rocks (all this fauna that seem to amaze you now can easily be re-introduced via quarantined stock - didn't someone mention this to you already??) takes time and patience to succeed in this hobby.....and this is how we do it.
I want this tank to succeed as much as you do, believe, please don't cut corners (with the rock, at least!). Deal with the rocks in the way other large tank keepers - who've been THERE and done THAT - have advised.
Be realistic, Ching. I don't know either you or Peter at all, but I can say you prolly know a helluva lot more about reef tanks/husbandry than him. Don't measure his success (the tank ain't even runnin' yet!!!) by yours, that's just foolish. Peter has a long way to go...and with a 1300gal tank, it'll be one helluva a long way.
Shawn, as always, you tell it like it is....keep it up, man! (oh yeah, check your PM

That said, every time I read this thread, I get a bit more anxious about how this tank will pan out in the LONG run.
Then my heart starts racing harder when I read stuff like this:
The only issue for me is that I'm not able to properly distinguish good from bad when it comes to the diverse community of life forms living on or in my live rock. I think I'm probably going to take the associated risks with the decision NOT to 'cook' my rock, in an effort to enjoy the many varieties of species with this endevour.
You've been advised by many large reef tank keepers that it would probably be best to cook your rocks (especially for a super large tank!).....this is probably one of the biggest steps you can take to mitigate pest-related problems from arising in the future....and you're choosing to NOT do it??
You have no idea how fast those unwanted critters can multiply to the point where they stop becoming "interesting" and turn into something just plain, ugly, annoying or destructive.
I implore you to re-think this. That's all I gotta don't want these problems in the future....cook your rocks (all this fauna that seem to amaze you now can easily be re-introduced via quarantined stock - didn't someone mention this to you already??) takes time and patience to succeed in this hobby.....and this is how we do it.
I want this tank to succeed as much as you do, believe, please don't cut corners (with the rock, at least!). Deal with the rocks in the way other large tank keepers - who've been THERE and done THAT - have advised.
No matter what, Peter's tank will be the exception.
A guy from nowhere, none of experience in this hobby, can achieve the most beautiful marine tank.
The reason he can do this. Why?
You guys all know the answer.
Be realistic, Ching. I don't know either you or Peter at all, but I can say you prolly know a helluva lot more about reef tanks/husbandry than him. Don't measure his success (the tank ain't even runnin' yet!!!) by yours, that's just foolish. Peter has a long way to go...and with a 1300gal tank, it'll be one helluva a long way.
You can't build a successful reef tank with money, good advice and support from the community, or even love. It takes the two P's to get there, Patience & Perseverance. These are two virtues you cant acquire from a forum, but a little help from your friends gets you through the small stuff.
Shawn, as always, you tell it like it is....keep it up, man! (oh yeah, check your PM