Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Sponges and squirts are sensitive to exposure to air, much more so than corals, so you can only imagine how many there are on the undersides of corals and rocks on a natural reef, as the majority perish in shipping/collection. It's localized filtration like this that circumvents the nitrogen & phosphate nutrient cycles. The colours rival the best SPS.
Way cool, Reefski! Truth to tell, I am far more interested in a tank full of the stuff that lives on the rock than in keeping corals. As Mr. Wilson has noted, however, nobody bothers to transport these life forms but rather, we are stuck hoping that a bare few might survive the shipping process.

A few questions:

What are the brown root-like structures in this image?
Reefski said:

What are the large white root-like structures in the foreground of this image?
Reefski said:

And most especially, what are the fine white little hair-like objects growing on the rock in this image?
Reefski said:

Thx also to Mr. Wilson. If one were going to build a dedicated cryptic refugium, how would one determine the rate of flow required through it? Should the tank be sized to a certain percentage of the system volume?

Thx again, everyone!

Peter, I will keep you busy adding new elements to your set-up for at least another year. ;)

the brown root like things are fan worms with their heads withdrawn.

i think the white root like things are tunicates.

i too like all these other elements of the reef.

sponges pump a huge amount of water through them.
Wow! Another great explanation by Mr. Wilson. I am finding that by reading this thread I keep expanding my Knowledge. My head hurts. Seriously this keeps making me change my ideas for my next build. Great stuff and again thanks to all, especially Peter who generously invited all of us into his amazing build.
i misread your question about the fine white hairlike things on the rock. i don't know but there are a lot of them in the cryptic areas of the tank.
Mr. Wilson.......Saturday mornings are usually a reserved treat for me where I get to snooze later and relax. This article stole that pleasure from me. You must learn to deliver excellent, informative and downright useful information like this at peak consumer times like after dinner or midnight quiet periods.

Well done again Sir, well written and truly beneficial to my learning curve. This is definately 'stuff of merit' for the capn's log for sure. I/we thank you for taking the time to do this on our behalf.


you betcha. Don't complain Peter--you just have to read it---I have to read it post it and add to it:bounce3::lol:
Thankyou Mr. Wilson for the information on Cryptic Zones and Reefski for the pictures
another great post for the capn's log book thread.

I have one question on the cryptic zones

Up to a month ago one of my refugiums(40 gal) had a 6 inch dsb and was filled with live rock on top of the bed. So I gues I had made a cryptic tank without realizing it.
I have another refugium with chaeto macro algae in it. I had quite a few requests for chaeto last month so it was really thining down and I was starting to get some nuisance algae in the display tank.
I took some of the remaining chaeto and put it in the cryptic refugium but added a pc light fixture to it--2 90 watt pc's.
This has made a terrific difference to corraline alge in there and the copopod population and is rapidly increasing my chaeto stock again

Have I inadvertanly destroyed the cryptic part of the refugium by adding the light fixture to it? I don't think I have in that the dsb will be blocked by the amount of live rock on top of it?
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Peter, I know I am being lazy here but if you could repost a series of pictures of your tank and it is progress I would like to make a post on the capn's log thread about your tank build or venture.
You can probably repost them way faster then I can search for them throughout this thread
Great info on the cryptic zones Mr Wilson, Thanks! I so wish I could design a whole house around a system! Complete with a mangrove forest and a large cryptic zone in the basement. Keep it up guys!
Peter, I know I am being lazy here but if you could repost a series of pictures of your tank and it is progress I would like to make a post on the capn's log thread about your tank build or venture.
You can probably repost them way faster then I can search for them throughout this thread

Scott, I think I understand what you want. I am assuming that you are assuming that I took the posts from an album stored in the cloud and it would be easier to just go to the directory and pull them down. This would be true if these were the only pics I had taken. The truth is that i may have used less than 3% of the stock in the album. That would be 3 out of every 100. So out of maybe 500 pics of the tank arrival I'm not sure which shots were used without going back and doing the very thing we are both trying desperately to avoid. I can give you access to the albums in the cloud and you can choose the best shots......then again you could end up describing a whole new tank as a result. :cool: That too is alot of work........... I will do whatever will help you out including going back through the thread.

On a similar note Chingchai went back and put the complete photo essay in one continuous strip somewhere about 75-80% mark of the current segment that included the early pre-split stuff in his thread. I say that because his discipline and methodology is very much the template for mine. His graphics used in the original vision for his build were incredible.....even more so given the result that so perfectly joined with his initial dream.

It would be kinda cool to run the two builds side by side to extract the principles that begin to define some basic discipline or foundation for our domain.

Let me know what you want to do Scott and I will do it.

Scott, I think I understand what you want. I am assuming that you are assuming that I took the posts from an album stored in the cloud and it would be easier to just go to the directory and pull them down. This would be true if these were the only pics I had taken. The truth is that i may have used less than 3% of the stock in the album. That would be 3 out of every 100. So out of maybe 500 pics of the tank arrival I'm not sure which shots were used without going back and doing the very thing we are both trying desperately to avoid. I can give you access to the albums in the cloud and you can choose the best shots......then again you could end up describing a whole new tank as a result. :cool: That too is alot of work........... I will do whatever will help you out including going back through the thread.

On a similar note Chingchai went back and put the complete photo essay in one continuous strip somewhere about 75-80% mark of the current segment that included the early pre-split stuff in his thread. I say that because his discipline and methodology is very much the template for mine. His graphics used in the original vision for his build were incredible.....even more so given the result that so perfectly joined with his initial dream.

It would be kinda cool to run the two builds side by side to extract the principles that begin to define some basic discipline or foundation for our domain.

Let me know what you want to do Scott and I will do it.


It's okay Peter --I'll just post a few shots you posted near the beginning of the thread.
Peter. How about a video clip of your fish room area?
Sorry to bother you but that would be thrilled to watch.


I am about two weeks from being able to do that. Once the drywall is done and the equipment is delivered I will do a detailed video.

Then it's on to the live rock!!!!!

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