code monkey
Currently I have an 8 foot 100g frag tank with a 55g sump.
That's enough to hold maybe 2 boxes if you have good flow in all parts of the tank, but with no quarantine you're going to have pests and lots of them.
I use the good equipment to upgrade my systems, sell the nice stuff cheap, and sell the corals at 40-50% LFS value.
I usually end up selling fish at 30-50% store value unless it is one of the select few wanted fish.
So you have a customer base that's used to getting healthy, captive system acclimated corals and fish for cheaper than you'll be able to afford selling newly arrived unhealthy corals and fish from wholesalers. Not sure that's a good thing.
What I was hoping from a wholesaler is to buy $500-$1500 worth every 2 weeks and get stuff 1/3 or 1/4 price of LFS to sell at my 40-50% rates.
1/3 or 1/4 the LFS price? lol, prepare to be surprised. Unless your LFS sells brown frogspawns for $110 and red mushrooms for $95, in that case you're good.
I refuse to sell parasites or dying stuff to people unless I know they are advanced enough to deal with it when I bring the issue to their attention.
You can't think like a hobbyist if you plan on running a business...
So with that said, do you all think that it is not worth my time to attempt to find a wholesaler?
Your decision to make, but you seem pretty dead set on it

If this is true, how do local fish stores stay in business? I know it isnt from selling equipment or doing maintenance (they outsource maintenance). I figured all of their profit is from selling corals and some profit from fish and equipment.
The ones that stay in business either get most of their money from maintenance and/or have a very solid customer base. You wouldn't believe how many LFS close up shop just to do maintenance since that's where the real money is.