Counter-Top DI System?


Hi gang:

I live in an apartment, so installing a full-on RO/DI system is not really a viable option. I have a few tanks, but they're all small. I'd like to produce 20-25 gallons of water per week for my freshwater, FO, FOWLR, and reef tanks, and until this point I've been buying water from the LFS...too expensive, and too hard on the back!

So I saw this system from Aquatic Reef Systems:

Counter-Top Tap Water DI Purifier

I can't seem to find any specs on how much it can process per day; has anyone tried this? The price is right. Is simply deionizing the water without applying reverse osmosis going to be sufficient?

I've also heard that DI is bad for freshwater tanks...should I be looking at RO only?

Please tell me your thoughts! Do you have any other suggestions for a counter-top option? What is your favorite portable method?

Thanks so much!!

Why not pay the extra 40 dollars and get an AquaSafe system off of Ebay. You can keep it 'portable', ie, not attach if under the sink if you buy a faucet attachement. SH