Couple of new zoas.. PICS...


New member
these are not the best pics, but i am planning a new camera soon, so more pics to come.. but at least these pics will give you an idea of what i picked up this weekend

these are actually way better than they seem in the pic

this pic is pretty accurate as far as the colors go, i have never seen any like these before.

another shot

curious to see if anyone has any pinks like these.
Snakebyt, those zoos look a lot like the armagedon zoos that are going around. Is it possible that they could be bleached armagedons?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6628756#post6628756 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cmondo
Snakebyt, those zoos look a lot like the armagedon zoos that are going around. Is it possible that they could be bleached armagedons?

I guess it could be possable, just have to see what they do in the future
Damn those pinks are INSANE!

I've abused my Armegeddons every which way to Sunday (not real abuse, but "experimenting" ) and I've never seen them go to anything but lesser shades of orange. Had some in sumps with no light, and some inches from 400watt 10k, for long periods of time.

I feel safe to say you got some sweet dayglo pinks.

Im first of the frag list for those white skirt pink KISSERS!! geeze!


(AWWWSOMEETTTT referrs to a combination of the two english words, Awsome, referring to an interesting object/idea, and sweet, referring to a reference to an interesting spectical/object/or idea)

I got those at a LFS, just happened in there at the right time, right after they were put out and they were only half opened when i got them.
I have a couple of local people already waiting for frags when they start growing.
They seem to have really long skirts, and one other thing.. since i have put them in the tank, day or night, if nothing has messed with them(fish or snail or crab) they dont close. I have come home hours after all lights have went off and checked them with a flashlight, and they are wide open. Anyone have any that are open all the time like this?
Love those pink zoos.

They look a little like the ones I got from exotic reefs, but his has a neon green center.


I have had them in my tank for a couple weeks, and they do seem to be open most of the time. I lost some of the green color during shipping, so I hope it'll color back up.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6651389#post6651389 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TypeSH
Love those pink zoos.

They look a little like the ones I got from exotic reefs, but his has a neon green center.


I have had them in my tank for a couple weeks, and they do seem to be open most of the time. I lost some of the green color during shipping, so I hope it'll color back up.


those look great, maybe we can get together once our colonies grow a bit