crab in acro ID - please


Premium Member
I brought home this hitchhiker about a month ago - he came in the acro I brought home and spends his day squirming about fanning his breathing equipment usually deep within the acro- and studies on how to best elude my camera shot - the acro does not seem to be hurt, damaged, etc by the crab but of course I want to make sure

it is a deeper orange than pictured on this flash pic and I know the image stinks but till I get a better one - this is the best
Can anyone help - the crab appears to be less than 1/2 from tip to tip


the flash takes away from him color wise - I will strive to get a good picture of him

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6718385#post6718385 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cj_basser
Definantly good guy......and a pretty one at that!!

I have never seen that coloration on an acro crab.