***Crazy, had to share!***

So, in times past(at least three) my snowflake clown some how jumps into my overflow bow where I spend 30-45 trying to fish her out. It's a horrible and scary task where I fear I'll kill her due to stress or suck her down the drain.

Last night she did it again. Crap, not this again! I grab my stepping stool climb up with my flashlight and net to start the task at hand. I scoop to this side and scoop to that side, like always no luck. I have an idea, I'll try and round her with my hand into the net. I try this three times. Here's where it get super freaking cool.

On the forth attempt I say screw the net, I'm just gonna grab her. I try twice and then on the third attempt she goes limp, lays sideways and just let's me pick her up with my hand!
HOLY CRAP I'M FREAKING OUT! I thought she was dying from stress! I had no idea how long she was back there so I was really concerned.

I placed her gently back in the display and she swam off immediately as if nothing had happened! She was fine. The crazy fish just trusted me, Wow!

I just had to share.

Fish on,
I put some biomesh just below the waterline in my overflow box, so in the case a fish gets in, ther is an inch or so of water to survive, but is very easy to get.
Good for you. My clown cuddles in the palm of my hand. Of course she never does it when I have people over. In fact, all 4 of my fish hide if there are people here.
most likely playing dead as the last resort for survival.

which is great cause you could catch her :)

but be careful in the overflow box ! I had a friend who broke the bulk head fishing in there ! he was still lucky he didnt break the bottom pane.
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I was hoping more that she has learned my face and my hand and put two and two together! Haha

If she was playing dead wouldn't she have given it more effort to flee? She normally fights until I drain the return.

I'm going to pretend she loves and trusts me! Haha
My fish trust me now not to hurt them, it took a while now I can hand feed them and clean the tank and they will swim close to my hand without freaking out.
My fish trust me now not to hurt them, it took a while now I can hand feed them and clean the tank and they will swim close to my hand without freaking out.

My percula clowns attack anything i put in the tank, including corals, food, live rock, and my personal favorite, the bigger female will take bites at my arm and hand! I swear i almost tipped the tank over because i shot my hand straight up and the water made a big splash. Although, they are deathly afraid of nets, the smaller one goes to the corner of the tank and nearly jumps out. during acclimation the female jumped out of the container, luckily i was their to put her back in. Yet i feed them every day, the male looks like he is going to explode because he stuffs his belly with food!
My percula clowns attack anything i put in the tank, including corals, food, live rock, and my personal favorite, the bigger female will take bites at my arm and hand! I swear i almost tipped the tank over because i shot my hand straight up and the water made a big splash. Although, they are deathly afraid of nets, the smaller one goes to the corner of the tank and nearly jumps out. during acclimation the female jumped out of the container, luckily i was their to put her back in. Yet i feed them every day, the male looks like he is going to explode because he stuffs his belly with food!

Ya, something similar happened to me back when I had a 77gal and my black Ocellaris clownfish nipped my arm while I was moving rocks around and scared the crap out of me and I jerked my arms out and knocked my PC light fixture into the water I quickly grab it out, but it was too late shorted out ballast and bulb and the light was only a month old. It wouldn't had been as bad if I saw the clown coming and nipping.
This female nips at me ALL OF THE TIME! That's another funny thing about this story. She loves to come see me at the front and even pokes her head out of the water to visit but as soon as I stick a finger or a hand in the tank she changes her story and my ARM is fair game.
one of my clowns swims up and then turns and splashes rather large amounts of water out of the tank at me, if i have the hood off and im leaning over it
I was hoping more that she has learned my face and my hand and put two and two together! Haha

If she was playing dead wouldn't she have given it more effort to flee? She normally fights until I drain the return.

I'm going to pretend she loves and trusts me! Haha

She really, really loves and trusts you, dude ;)

Unlike my trigger. He thinks I'm food. Especially my finger!
When my 75 was up and running for say like 8 mos I had a cleaner shrimp that would climb on my hand and proceed to clean it just like he did with all of my fish. I had a pair of black ocellarus clowns that would swim around my hand anytime i was working in the tank.. they just liked rubbing against my skin I guess. (I would say your clown loves you :). A friend of mine has my hippo tang and he has a tusk in his tank... the hippo is friendly but the tusk is always trying to bite him I guess... I dont know much about the tusks but they have big teeth.