***Crazy, had to share!***

I've got a dispar anthias that has made her way into my overflow box a couple times. I have the weir covered in a netting and still made it over. She went a couple days in there one time. But has been about a month since the last incident and is doing just fine.
The SnowFlake clown is funny. She pokes her head out of the water to say hi but she splashes me when I stick my hand in the display. She's done it so fast a couple of times she's flown out! She's crazy!
So, in times past(at least three) my snowflake clown some how jumps into my overflow bow where I spend 30-45 trying to fish her out. It's a horrible and scary task where I fear I'll kill her due to stress or suck her down the drain.

Last night she did it again. Crap, not this again! I grab my stepping stool climb up with my flashlight and net to start the task at hand. I scoop to this side and scoop to that side, like always no luck. I have an idea, I'll try and round her with my hand into the net. I try this three times. Here's where it get super freaking cool.

On the forth attempt I say screw the net, I'm just gonna grab her. I try twice and then on the third attempt she goes limp, lays sideways and just let's me pick her up with my hand!
HOLY CRAP I'M FREAKING OUT! I thought she was dying from stress! I had no idea how long she was back there so I was really concerned.

I placed her gently back in the display and she swam off immediately as if nothing had happened! She was fine. The crazy fish just trusted me, Wow!

I just had to share.

Fish on,
I totally forgot about this. That was awesome!! (...or like someone mentioned, likely a defense mechanism, but still, it "seemed" like trust at the time. Lol