Creature Morpheus ...
Good Day All - Many Firsts ... first thread, first system, design and build,
Welcome to my project dubbed Project Morpheus, also known affectionately as "Creature Morpheus" as it keeps morphing into something more every time you turn around - it grows.
The name .... Morpheus is a name with multiple meanings or connotations. To an analogy of being attracted to cute little loveable puppies, (like a small St. Bernard puppy), they are warm and fuzzy and adorable things you want to have and take one home .... but they can be mischievous and GROW ! .... QUICKLY ! (not to mention become expensive to feed). This project keeps growing and morphing into a mischievous little creature (or monster might be a better word).
Hence, the above prelude to the following chronicle of my Morpheus Project ....
So as I said, this nice little creature has metamorphosed into a bit of a monster. Hence I have name the main display tank "Morpheus", which can have a number of meanings and inferences such as loosely translated from Greek methodology as the "Gods of Dreams" and/or the "Shaper of Dreams" (whose true semblance is that of a winged daemon, imagery shared with many of his siblings - his brothers Phobetor and Phantasos being responsible for animals and inanimate objects, respectively). It is a challenge to this undertaking, and its build is being fast tracked as system with multiple tanks simultaneously underway. A seasoned friend of aquaria warned me not to do this ... me now thinks I should have listened, before I ran off the cliff chasing that cute puppy. Will be in the dog house (and poor house) for years.
New and Foolish ....
A little more than a year ago, stopped into a local Woodcraft Store in Michigan and saw a beautiful reef aquarium. Of course like most here, was in awe, fascinated and intrigued. Having an appreciation for the little things going on the seed was planted. Over the next several months, I decided to do a salt water SPS reef tank. Started toying with the design .... bad habit for an engineer. Planning and designing ideas started to feed this "cute little creature" and it grew quickly.
As this undertaking was my first aquarium project/design/build, has been an a daunting experience. Learning it was not just about a "display tank" but so much more involved to support it. Taking a "systems design" approach in an attempt to do it right (if there is such a thing) has entail a lot.
Located Where?
The project is located in a smaller ton called Belle River Ontario which is on the south shore of Lake St. Clair, about 15 miles east of Windsor and south-east of Detroit Michigan (just over a 30 minute drive to the USA/Canadian border).
Welcome to my project dubbed Project Morpheus, also known affectionately as "Creature Morpheus" as it keeps morphing into something more every time you turn around - it grows.
The name .... Morpheus is a name with multiple meanings or connotations. To an analogy of being attracted to cute little loveable puppies, (like a small St. Bernard puppy), they are warm and fuzzy and adorable things you want to have and take one home .... but they can be mischievous and GROW ! .... QUICKLY ! (not to mention become expensive to feed). This project keeps growing and morphing into a mischievous little creature (or monster might be a better word).
Hence, the above prelude to the following chronicle of my Morpheus Project ....
So as I said, this nice little creature has metamorphosed into a bit of a monster. Hence I have name the main display tank "Morpheus", which can have a number of meanings and inferences such as loosely translated from Greek methodology as the "Gods of Dreams" and/or the "Shaper of Dreams" (whose true semblance is that of a winged daemon, imagery shared with many of his siblings - his brothers Phobetor and Phantasos being responsible for animals and inanimate objects, respectively). It is a challenge to this undertaking, and its build is being fast tracked as system with multiple tanks simultaneously underway. A seasoned friend of aquaria warned me not to do this ... me now thinks I should have listened, before I ran off the cliff chasing that cute puppy. Will be in the dog house (and poor house) for years.
New and Foolish ....
A little more than a year ago, stopped into a local Woodcraft Store in Michigan and saw a beautiful reef aquarium. Of course like most here, was in awe, fascinated and intrigued. Having an appreciation for the little things going on the seed was planted. Over the next several months, I decided to do a salt water SPS reef tank. Started toying with the design .... bad habit for an engineer. Planning and designing ideas started to feed this "cute little creature" and it grew quickly.
As this undertaking was my first aquarium project/design/build, has been an a daunting experience. Learning it was not just about a "display tank" but so much more involved to support it. Taking a "systems design" approach in an attempt to do it right (if there is such a thing) has entail a lot.
Located Where?
The project is located in a smaller ton called Belle River Ontario which is on the south shore of Lake St. Clair, about 15 miles east of Windsor and south-east of Detroit Michigan (just over a 30 minute drive to the USA/Canadian border).