Credit Card Info


New member
Has anybody noticed that when you buy something online from Marine Depot, that your credit card info is being kept? A couple of weeks ago, I bought some things for the first time after they went to the new website and entered my credit card info as I have always done. I've been buying from them for years. The second time I bought something, under "Payment Method", I clicked credit card and it has a drop down list. The choices are, use a new card or V-*******my last four numbers (recent). I click my card and all the info automatically fills in. Card number, exp month/year and CCV. There is no check box in case you do want to save your info. There is no way to delete this info either once it has been entered. Not on the checkout page or under My Account.
I called customer service and eventually my credit card info was removed. I don't store my credit info online and really don't like it stored without my permission. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

I thought I was asked - I prefer it saved. If it is subject to fraud you just call and tell credit card it is fraud.

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Has anybody noticed that when you buy something online from Marine Depot, that your credit card info is being kept? A couple of weeks ago, I bought some things for the first time after they went to the new website and entered my credit card info as I have always done. I've been buying from them for years. The second time I bought something, under "Payment Method", I clicked credit card and it has a drop down list. The choices are, use a new card or V-*******my last four numbers (recent). I click my card and all the info automatically fills in. Card number, exp month/year and CCV. There is no check box in case you do want to save your info. There is no way to delete this info either once it has been entered. Not on the checkout page or under My Account.
I called customer service and eventually my credit card info was removed. I don't store my credit info online and really don't like it stored without my permission. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.


Hi dan9960,

Thank you for shopping with us and for your post.

We don't store credit/debit card information., our 100% PCI Compliant credit processor, does. Your payment information is not stored on our servers. We never have access to it.

When an order is placed on Marine Depot, a unique token is sent to the credit card processor to access the profile with an amount to charge. This is the most secure way of doing business online.

If you prefer, you can phone in your order next time to bypass this: 1-800-566-FISH (3474)

Regarding requesting permission to "store" card info and providing a way to manage your payment options (like deleting an old card, for example), is now something we are actively discussing since you brought it to your attention. As long as we can do so without compromising your personal information, I see no reason why we wouldn't put that into the queue to improve the shopping experience.

We take privacy and security very seriously and have never experienced a data breach in our almost 20 years of selling online.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Jeff @ Marine Depot
There is no way to delete this info either once it has been entered. Not on the checkout page or under My Account.


Hi Dan,

I met with my manager and our IT director. We determined it is possible to add this functionality to your account, so we'll get working on it. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

Jeff @ Marine Depot
its most likely stored by your browser (since you say it showed on a drop down list), particularly chrome. google is known to collect data from your computer without asking or telling you. they let you use something for free in order to collect data and who knows what they do with the data collected.
I too am dismayed at finding my credit card being stored without permission and with no way to delete it. I look forward to the ability to delete this information and to opt out of storing it in the first place.
Hi Jeff,

Is there any status on adding the functionality of deleting credit card info from My Account or the choice not to save it on the checkout page?

Marine Depot

Marine Depot

Hi Jeff,

Is there any status on adding the functionality of deleting credit card info from My Account or the choice not to save it on the checkout page?


Hi Dan,

Thank you for your question. I have requested a status update of that feature. I will follow up once I hear news back!

Talk soon,

Jeff @ Marine Depot


Hi Jeff,

Is there any status on adding the functionality of deleting credit card info from My Account or the choice not to save it on the checkout page?


Hi Dan,

Thank you for your patience while I sought an answer to your question. I've confirmed this feature update is still pending and in our IT queue but should be live within 2 months. Please let me know if you have any further questions!


Jeff @ Marine Depot
I too thought it was odd, though not necessarily troublesome. Good on marine depot for listening and doing something about it.
Secure Shopping and Checkout @ Marine Depot

Secure Shopping and Checkout @ Marine Depot

I don't store my credit info online and really don't like it stored without my permission.

Hi Dan,

We added a checkbox to checkout so you can decide whether we'll store your card number now. If you check the box, we will save the card to make checkout faster on subsequent visits. If you uncheck the box, your payment information will be deleted.

We also recently switched all our web pages to HTTPS (whether you are logged in or not) to add an extra layer of security for shoppers.

Thank you again for your feedback! Please let me know if you have any questions.


Jeff @ Marine Depot