critique of sps system please


New member
125 gallon All Glass with dual overflows
40 + Gallon Acrylic Sump 48 X 13 X 16
Rio HF32 return split to the 2 nozzles
2 Seio 1500 one @ each end, one straight across the front higher, and the 2nd pointed to the middle rear of the tank but lower
2 MJ1200's one between the two overflows flowing along the back of tank, and one in the left rear corner flowing to the front glass at an angle on a Red Sea WaveMaster Pro
3 250 watt Coralvue Electronic MH Retrofits with Reeflux 10k bulbs
2 6 ft Vho Actinics on a ARO electronic ballast
Top off with a Nilsen reactor/Kalk Reactor from Fishbowl Innovations gravity fed from a 5 gallon bucket adding 1 cup of Kalk at a time till it runs a bit clear
1/3 HP drop in coil chiller
Two Little Fishes Phosban Reactor
ASM G3 Skimmer
Innovative Aquatics Dosing Pump dosing Randy's 2 part @ 30 ML per hour for 9 Hrs from 10 PM to 6 AM
100 lbs various Live Rock, some over 10 yrs old...some newer fiji some newer aquacultured and some base rock from Reefer
combination Of Live Keys sand/ bagged Live sand/sand from previous 58 gallon reef
Heavily stocked with SPS frags (torts, milles, prostrata,blue tip stags, microphalma, assorted caps, efflo , tenius ect)
a few softies (mushrooms, ric's, yumas, kenya tree)
Fish include a Regal Tang, Yellow Tang, Neon Dottyback, Scooter Blennie, 2 Blue/Green Chromis
Inverts include a Cleaner Shrimp, a couple Emerald Crabs and a Harlequin Shrimp
plenty of Snails and Hermits

10 Gallon All Glass Breeder
Custom Made Overflow box by Amazing Aquariums In Daytona
Rio HF17 return pump split to 2 nozzles
same sump as Main Tank
175 Coralvue MH Retrofit with a Reeflux 10k bulb
no actinics at this time (needed)
2 MJ1200 opposite side of the two return nozzles on the same Red Sea Wavemaster Pro as the main tank
35 Lbs Live Keys sand
1 Large 40+ Lb Base Rock from

thinking of selling the Kalk Reactor and just going back to the old reliable mix 10 tsp in 5 gallon container and drip 24/7

cant seem to dial in the kalk reactor to keep things level

can adding a 40+ lb of base rock mess with the alk/calc balance?..coralline is starting on the rock already(been 3 weeks) and is covering the glass already on the frag tank

any ideas?