Crocea clam question not coming out?


New member
I have 2 Crocea 1.5" and 3" they are in my tank 29G for 6 weeks.
I put them high on the rocks since I am using only 110W PC.
They were doing just fine and both of them were open very good.

Last 2 days my 1.5" shell is still open but the clam mantle is not coming out at all. And today the 3" did the same thing. Is that
normal or are they dead?

I am in the proccess of upgrading the tank and the lights to MH.
All my corals, livestock are doing just fine .
All the readings are OK.

I had my crocea thriving under VHO, but when I upgraded to MH it died. Lesson learned, Acclimate them to your new lighting.:sad2: . If you haven't upgraded yet, make sure you acclimate them. One way to test if the clam is alive is to tap the shell. Obviously, if it closes it's alive.
I still have the PC lights on the tank.
And they are not responding by touching the shell.
I guess they are dead.
I'm afraid so. Remove them immediately once you are sure they're dead. They will pollute the whole tank. Inspect them and see whether they have pyramidelid snails, maybe they are the culprits.
I removed both of them . Yes they are dead. but I dont see any kind of snails on them. How these snails look like.
I do have astrea and turbo snails which I saw stick to their shells
quite often is that normal.

I am still shocked what caused the deaths.
recently my nitrate are kind of high 2.0 other parameters are OK.

Calcium = 450
PH = 8.1
Ammonia = 0
nitrite = 0.5
temp = 78-80
SG = 1.023

They were filter feeding and some time I put phytoplex from Marine and zooplankton once in a week. I did add some iodide and reef plus and dose with kalkwasser once in a week.

Hmmmm, your nitrites could have done that, they shouldn't be detectible. I suppose they could have possibly starved. Clams do not consume zooplankton, and the Kent stuff is of limited use to them. Baby clams really need DT's or other cultured live plankton.

Where did you purchase the clams, and do you know where the clams came from? (Wondering about the "Clam diesase")