Too slow to stop me, I put seven new fish in the display. The wrasses have already gone to bed for the night (though they were out eating earlier), and the salifin tang is doing pretty well. I pulled out the camera and took a few shots. I'm a bit unsatisfied with how the white balance yellowed out the images, but I didnt have the energy to adjust it. Here's a full tank shot.
And to try to capture a bit more of the depth, here are a few shots closer up.
Here's an image of the sailfin tang.
And finally, a goniapora that I got from liveaquaria a few months ago. I just moved it into the display, having had it in the 40 breeder coral QT.
Not sure what's next in terms of livestock. Fish wise, I'm still toying with the notion of adding 15-20 yellowtail damsels. I've begun to enjoy all the activity of the fish I have in the tank now (I have about 25 in there right now, but 20 of them don't get any larger than about 3 inches), and I've always thought those particular damsels were quite attractive. I know I'm risking it with a territorial thing, so I will sit on that idea for a while.
Coral wise, what I really want are stags. I love the look of branching stags filling up the upper portion of the tank. But I've been very slow on accumulating any, so I'm not sure how or when that will work out. And have the stuff I've bought from stores has died within the first few months, which I generally attribute to not being easily acclimated to captivity. Anyone have hardy, fast growing stags they want to send me?