New member

The 13th annual Frag Farmer's Market will be held this coming March 7th at E.O. Smith High School in Storrs CT. It has grown into the biggest single day swap in the country! Doors will open at 10am this year to give you an extra hour of coral madness! With over 100 vendors - including many of the big names, great local hobbyists and some exciting new faces for this year, who we never see in the northeast. You will not find a better selection of corals at any other show, and the set-up fee is so low for sellers, the prices for you end up better than at the other big shows. Plus admission is just $5 to get in. All that and a HUGE raffle, that already looks like it will have bigger stuff than last year! I'll post more info in the coming weeks as the details for this year's FFM comes together. Hope to see you all at the FFM.