Current pump pausing, can it be done ???


New member
I figure if anyone knows, kidney, michael, or matthias would know...

I have my Tunze 6101'a on the permanent opposite, and after my stupid miss of a basic setting, Matthias helped me out and its running again.... Im trying to figure out if there is a way to put a pause into the cycle though. I'd like it to go from the 6101 on the left, stop, pause for a few seconds, start 6101 on the right, stop, pause, 6101 on the left, etc....

Im having a problem with the flow still going one way in the tank and then the other pump kicks on and the flows hit each other and I get a little sandstorm tornado in the middle... I figure a few seconds after shutting down would solve the issue but cant find anywhere to set something like that.....

Is it possible with this 4.02 software or is it nothing that is "in demand" ???

Thanks as always guys.....
Try using right-angle waves. There is a delay feature. Take a flashlight and look at the tuze propeller to see that it slows down properly. If you want it to stop set your L port to 2.5v. If you want it to turn really slow set to 2.6 v. I also played with the small knob on the tuze junction connector, so I can't tell you where it is adjusted. Set perment opposite, 1% to whatever you like it, 100%. I also use 20% random at 100% max. I have a 30sec delay between pumps.
if you want to add a pause:
then set count of pumps in group 1 to 4
(of course you have only 2 pumps) and set the mode to "sequence 1"; set the times as needed.
Use rightangled with the correct wave time.

Then assign pump 1 to L1 and pump 3 to L2 (assuming you use L1/L2 for your pumps).
-> pumps 2 and 4 are not used -> this is your pause