Current usa orbit marine led

Work? Yes. Do well? Not really. I've had this light before. It looks great and is sleek, however there really isn't much of a punch to the bottom of a 24" tall tank. If you're mostly softies and some certain LPS, it'll work. Anything more demanding and you'll be pushing it.

Also that fixture itself is 36" with legs that extend it out to 48". You'd have better luck with the 48-60" one. The light itself is 48"
I thought they might be a little weak but I was hoping with 2 I might get enough light for perhaps maybe a clam. I was looking at the MarsAqua lights but I have vaulted ceilings in living room and really no good way to hang them. Plus I really like the built in timer and ramping feature.
No way a clam will live under those, even two. Check out reef radiance. They have a decent mounting solution that works with the Marsaqua. It isn't a perfect match, but their mounts do work with the mars aqua
Those leds are OK on a shallow tank like 12" deep or a FOWLR. I'd say ReefBreeders or OceanRevive or MarsAqua. I had some bad customer service from ReefRadiance. They sell EverGrow made fixtures (like ReefBreeders and OceanRevive) which are pretty well made. But I had/have a controller failure that they are well aware of and they wouldn't even send me a new controller. I had to get it from another company!