Custom Overflows on stock Marineland Deep Dimension Tanks

if anyone wants to get rid of their old overflows i will take them...shoot me a pm to work something out.
I'm looking into this option for my 250g DD as well. I'm wondering how it could cost more to tell them not to do anything to the tank. I'd be saving them the steps of drilling the bottom glass and adding the overflows.

I'd really just like to get it with a non-rr option so I could install a C2C overflow.
I don't want to sound negative but by drilling the tank you probably voided the warranty? Hopefully everything works out, I love my 300DD. Good luck with the build.
We were one of those who has recently gotten a custom 300DD.
You have to remember that Marineland is in the business of mass production of stock tanks...they are NOT custom tank builders, and it is painfully evident in getting custom orders through their gauntlet, er, I mean order process. Most of the troubles are in the mechanism of going through a local dealer, then through a distributor, then to the factory. Marineland acknowledged to us that this chain is sub-optimal when it comes to getting anything custom.

Again, remember what their core business is. If you can persist through the custom order process (and you must be a very vigilant and demanding customer), you can get a well-made product. It won't be least ours sure wasn't. This was due to many breakdowns and miscommunications within that long chain. However, once all done, we're happy with the outcome. Our center-mounted overflow for example is extremely well-made and professionally finished...they did an excellent job. Ditto for the bottom eurobracing.

As for the thread that Spirofucci linked above...every DD owner should read it. TeeSquare is a great builder, a great thinker, and a pretty cool guy. He worked very closely with Marineland to get that extensively modified tank, and he kept his full factory warranty! He has helped us a great deal through our first build, our split-seam ordeal, and the re-birth of our new custom DD.

Absolutely agree with this assessment. I had the biggest beast of a time getting any kind of answer from them THROUGH my retailer. They said to my retailer that they felt my holes were too close together. I researched a little and contacted one of the two people who take their custom orders and was stopped dead in my tracks. I was told they did not want to discuss any aspect of the process with me, make recommendations etc.
They would not cooperate with my retailer to get a custom quote. I too am looking at getting a 300DD. I am not optimistic about it coming from them.
I was told Marineland no longer will do new custom work! They are only going to finish up the orders they have started. Not sure if it's true but came from a good source.
I heard by reliable source (Long time lfs dealer) that dd tanks are going to be d/c. Marineland wants to look into what red sea does with their all in one tanks. Reason given, people seem to only want tanks, nothing else that comes in package. All in one sizes will not be available except in package. That is all I know( I've heard)