Custom sump - where to have it made?


In Memoriam
You all know I just finished breaking down my 125g. Soon I will be moving up to northern florida and I am looking to get what I need now, while I am still down here so I am not stranded in the middle of nowhere looking for equipment. I would like to have a custom sump made, preferably like this one:


I am looking for a place that can either do this cost-friendly in glass or acrylic, really doesn't matter to me as long as its good quality and it comes out the way I want it, I don't expect to pay 100$ (unless someone out there wants to do it for 100$ :) ), but I really don't want to get killed on it. At last resort I will make one if the costs are too much for me.

If anyone knows a good acrylic or glass shop, please let me know (I would prefer glass over acrylic, as it is much easier to clean without scratching and alot more cost-friendly), but i would definately consider acrylic.

-Mike C.
Mike, you should consider acrylic. IMO it is much better for sumps. It is very easy to drill for external pump, etc.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8003227#post8003227 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisaggie
Mike, I am sure Manny could help you make one.

I was going to say the same. Manny is reasonable when it comes to building stuff for people.
i noticed in your design you put the refugium before the skimmer, is there a reason for this? A lot of set-ups I've seen put the skimmer before the refugium. Maybe I can learn something :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8005738#post8005738 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Avian
i noticed in your design you put the refugium before the skimmer, is there a reason for this? A lot of set-ups I've seen put the skimmer before the refugium. Maybe I can learn something :)

This would actually be a better idea then the skimmer before the refugium IMO. The reason why as to I would think he decided to do this was so that the "dirty" drained water can go into the refugium in which the nutrience will be absorbed by the refugium plants, etc in the refugium. Once the water has passed through that, it will be skimmed and then sent back up to the display tank. Keep in mind, it is kind of hard to skim all the water that goes down into the overflow.
I have liked doing it this way, alot of people told me not to do it this way as I would skim pods, etc. I have been running it this way for as long as I can remember without any problems and my pod population was off the roof, absolutely fine. If you look at a bunch of peoples setups here on RC, even the well-known "reefers", you will see they have there systems setup this way or very similar.

-Mike C.
The skimmer should be before the refugium as you run a risk of losing all the phytoplankton,copepodes,and amphipods to the skimmer.Also all the nutrients and minerals that the mud releases will end up in the skimmer before it can enter the main display.Also if you plan to use chaeto you will be glad that the skimmer is removing particulate before it enters the refugium.Chaeto is famous for collecting detritus sort of like the way floss does.If your chaeto is full of detritus it wont grow well as it wont recieve all the light possible and can become a breeding grown for red slime and red hair algae.The filter socks in the front will help but if you get lazy and dont change your filter socks often ,you will be glad you have an alternate means of particulate removal.That's my opinion anyways.
so how do you guys think I should run this, most of the MELEV sump/refugiums I have seen run this style... should I make the "drain" area bigger so I can put the skimmer there, then the refugium, then a smaller return area (will be using a external pump anyways (DART))

thanks for the feedback, always nice to get some input.. just been going off of what I have seen.

-Mike C.
Just like that but if you can I would use the large filter socks as the small ones are usually done in a couple of days and with the large ones you can go a couple of extra days if you go out of town or something.Here is what mine looks like.
Robert, is that your 120 setup? Thats what I will be setting up at the new house. Very clean setup. Where did you get your sump/refugium? I like it? Price on it? (pm me if you don't wish to post that here). Thanks!

-Mike C.
Yup,it's a Ecosystem Pro Series 36x16 shoehorned in a 120.I dont know the price of the sump as I bought the package with lights,socks,and miracle mud.Only the ASM G3 fits in this sump.There is a new model coming out anyweek that should be 40x16 and will fit a G4.
hrmm, got to look into that... Definately something I would consider. One thing about buying name-brand is you get the clean seems, and just a clean look overall. Definately going to go check out Eco-systems website, thanks!

-Mike C.
Lol, nevermind, quickly talked myself out of it after seeing Eco-system's pricing. I will definately be checking out the glass / acrylic shops pricing before making a final decision... I know Andrea got a great deal on her sump/frag tank so will definately check with the place she suggested.

-Mike C.