Cut from a coral on my finger

The medical journals i know of haven't included Urine as part of their algorithms for treating infections. Most are along the lines off antiseptics and antibiotics.

I havent worked ER in years, but did for years, that would have been sweet every time someone came in with an infection. "lets see Mr. Jones, bring that finger over hear, and ill wiz on it for you, how about that surgical infection you have, ill wiz on that knee as well"

Maybe Big Pharma is in on a conspiracy. All we need is urine, but they couldnt make money off of it. Or could they? Hmmmm.
I have been told that urine is sterile. Somehow, I don't think it would have helped Sean to pee on his thumb ;)
I have been told that urine is sterile. Somehow, I don't think it would have helped Sean to pee on his thumb ;)

Larry- Urine IS USUALLY Sterile in the bladder, but once it hits the urethra, the story changes. Hence urinary tract infections. The fact that you dont have UTI does not mean bacteria is not present, only that insufficient number of bacteria are present to classify it as a UTI.