Hi All -
Quick question. Why do i still get cyano/bryopsis!?
My 180 reef has a very light bioload. Two toad stools and 4 fish ( 2 clowns, mimic tang and a swallow tail angel).
The water chemistry seems great:
With API test kits - Ammonia 0, Nitrites, 0, Nitrates 0.
With Salifert - Nitrates between 0-2, Phosphates looked almost 0.
I use RODI water 0 tds
Have a protein skimmer
Dual Reactor with Carbon and GFO
2 MP40s running and decent flow
what's causing this!?
Quick question. Why do i still get cyano/bryopsis!?
My 180 reef has a very light bioload. Two toad stools and 4 fish ( 2 clowns, mimic tang and a swallow tail angel).
The water chemistry seems great:
With API test kits - Ammonia 0, Nitrites, 0, Nitrates 0.
With Salifert - Nitrates between 0-2, Phosphates looked almost 0.
I use RODI water 0 tds
Have a protein skimmer
Dual Reactor with Carbon and GFO
2 MP40s running and decent flow
what's causing this!?