Cycle done already?


New member
Hello, I set up my 55Gal with 80-90Lbs live rock, and Arag-Alive sand 1.5 weeks ago, I have been monitering the ammonia and never really saw a spike it seemed to never get above .5. So anyway I bought a complete test kit yesterday and just measured everything Ammonia-0 Nitrites-0 Nitrate 40, seems like the cycle is done. I've never cycled with live rock before, is it possible for it to be cycled in 1.5 weeks? And what should I do while I wait formy fish to QT should I add a source of ammonia to keep the bacteria going?
No... just let it ride...

Cycling can be pretty quick. But dont confuse cycled rock with cured rock. Have you been removing the rock to dunk and swish it in seperated containers of salt water? This will aid in removing built up detritus. My rock has been in my tank for almost 4 months and it still sheds detritus.
I rinsed well B4 I added, and I've been blowing all the stuff off with a power head and sucking it up off the substrate