Cycling ?'s


New member
I started a cycle on my new tank using one raw shrimp on 8/1 and I've been testing the ph, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates every couple days. The ammonia went up to about 1ppm and on 8/9 I started to see some brown algae on rocks and sand. My nitrites were .50ppm and nitrates were .50ppm. The brown algae was gone after about three days. I tested today and my ammonia is at 0, nitrites is 0 and nitrates looks to be about 1ppm. I started cycle with live sand, dry base rock and raw shrimp. My question is am I on the right tack? Should my ammonia have been higher? Is there anything I should do? Water change?
Yeah ammonia seems to be low for the beginning stage. Other than that you look to be on the right track. As long as your Ammonia 0, nitrate is close to 0 you are fine. I would let it go for another 2 weeks before I add a hardy fish like a clownfish.
Yeah ammonia seems to be low for the beginning stage. Other than that you look to be on the right track. As long as your Ammonia 0, nitrate is close to 0 you are fine. I would let it go for another 2 weeks before I add a hardy fish like a clownfish.

So what issues could that cause with the ammonia being low?