*d2mini's new 200g Reeftastic Build*

I don't recall exactly. Somewhere between 10-15" i think.
You'll have to use the pics to give you a general idea. :)
Can you believe it!
I went to Build My LED to order the light bars and they no longer make aquarium lights!

I know, it sucks!
I actually kept my 72" Super Actinic but now its up for sale because I can't use it.
Too long for the new tank.
BML will be missed.
Finally finished all your threads. I have been following the new build but still couldn't resist finishing this one...even though I know how it turns out. I've learned so much following your careful write ups. Its really helped me in my current build and what I'm planning next. Thanks again for your contributions.
Finally finished your 200g tank thread! Great informative thread and gave me lots of ideas on my coming tank built. Thanks Dennis!
Going to your next tank built thread now.

Plumbing is done! Tank is filled! System is running!
Well, for small periods at a time while testing.
My Reeflo Barracuda return pump is mega powerful. Running only the tank, the output valve is closed down to probably 25% at the most. Once I get the chiller plumbed in, that will let me open it to around 50%. And then once I start up the reactors, that will use up a little more. But I still may need to downgrade the pump. But the sump is plumbed for 1.5" out to the pump so I need a pump with 1.5" inlet. I was looking at some of the smaller Reeflo pumps but they have a 2" inlet.

Anyhoo... still lots of work to do but here's some pics of how it looks now!







This looks amazing! May I ask where you got the grey pipes and valves from? Thanks!