Essentially, this is a custom built nano tank designed to be a work of art. Geometric shapes are the theme. Since this is as much a piece of art as it is an aquarium, two absolute priorities are to use the most advanced pieces of technology available and hide everything! No wires or pumps are visible.
The integrated sump is 4 inches taller than the main body of water. Inside is a standpipe. It is not used to drain water. The pipe rises above the water surface. Therefore, it connects air above the water surface to air below the tank via a bulkhead drilled through the bottom of the sump section. This is where all the cables, probes, sensors, media, skimmer, heater, etc. are located. Pretty cool huh. Tons of photos can be seen in the build thread.
CIRCULATION provided by 2 Tunze Nano Stream 6055 controllable pumps. They operate in wave box mode. I do not use Tunze wave boxes. The internal sump is designed to be that box. Pumps are located in the two bottom holes connecting the main body of water and the sump area. Three upper holes act as intake. Tunze screens are used to keep fish out of the sump, while providing aesthetics. The separating wall is made of glass. Black foam has been sprayed on the glass to prevent seeing into the sump area from the main display.
LEVEL CONTROL provided by Profilux standard float valve and float hanging system. ATO pump is an Eheim 1060 (I think).
SKIMMER provided by Tunze Nano Skimmer with custom built StevieT collection cup
HEATER provided by stainless steel immersion heater controlled by Profilux
LIGHTING provided by Aqua Illumination LED module
CONTROLLER provided by Profilux Plus II Beginner with USB module, Tunze cables, level float switch and holder, pH probe, and temperature probe.
The major limitation with the AI LED system is the standard controller. Quite frankly, it is lame! The AI controller is too basic to really appreciate the LED technology used in the AI system. This limitation is the sole purpose of this review/tutorial. :thumbsup:
The AI controller provides sunrise, sunset, and lunar control. That’s about it. In 2002 I owned a SOLAR 1000 light dimmer (cost about the same as a Profilux ha!), with VHO lamps and an IceCap ballast. It provides those dimming capabilities described above. Currently on the market today you can find dimmable T5 and MH systems that offer the basic sunrise and sunset operation. Add a lunar LED and you get a nice little complete system.
I have fielded a couple skeptical hits from fellow reefers about the cost of LED technology. Their argument is that a $700 AI LED system is too much for unproven technology when you can just buy a “$200 MH system.†I wish to clarify a few misconceptions. First, most quality MH units cost WAY more than $200. This argument is frustrating. :mad2: This reefer wants to compare a high end LED system to an entry level MH system. That is like comparing Ranier cherries to Bing cherries. No comparison! (It’s cherry season, yeah). To be fair, let’s compare the LED AI system to a Giesmann or Elos 250watt MH system. You won’t find these MH units for $200, try $400 for simple MH fixture. The Giesmann Infinity 1 with MH and four T5 lamps runs $900. It is the best of its class. So is the Aqua Illumination. Let’s make equal comparisons.
Second, you cannot call this a complete “systemâ€Â. Many people buy additional lighting devices to meet lunar and actinic effects. Because of heat transfer you may even have to purchase additional chillers, fans, or other devices to complete the “system.†You will be surprised when you add up all the costs of a true “MH system.†The actual cost of a “MH system†is closer to the price of an Aqua Illumination LED system then you may realize.
I recognize that the common aquarist struggles to pay that large initial fee. Or, you simply think that all you need is one thing, later learning that you need other equipment. I often do it this way too. I would buy the MH system. Then, the heat issues prevailed. I bought $100 worth of fans. No luck, then a chiller. Hey, I don’t like the color. My friends tank looks better. Next, comes the actinic and lunar supplements. Sound familiar.

Well, go back and total up those receipts that you were hiding from your spouse and I bet it will add up to more than $700.
But, hey there is a hitch here too. Once you buy the $700 AI LED system, you will soon realize after this review, that you NEED a $500 Profilux upgrade. :lol: Not my fault. This hobby is run by the evil empire :strooper:
Plus, MH systems consume more electricity, require annual lamp replacement, and more maintenance. The AI LED system is truly a complete system in one small convenient package. I do not find the need to add any additional equipment to my reef when using the AI LED system. And yes, I have owned larger reef systems that required several MH fixtures, a chiller, fans, actinics, and lunar lights. Those days are over with the arrival of LED technology!

However, one important issue still remains. LED must support coral growth, especially sps corals. If it proves to support coral growth (preliminary findings are yes, but more extensive use of the technology is needed) and propagation, then you will see a shift in the industry towards this technology. Like everything else, the price will come down as the technology advances and competition in the market develops. Think, DVD, Blu-Ray, HD TV, etc.
If you own an AI LED system (like I did for 4 months) without a Profilux controller, you own a very expensive, very impressive piece of cutting-edge NEW technology and guess what, you are wasting it! Sure, it produces very low heat. Sure, it consumes less energy. Sure, you don’t need to replace lamps once a year. Sure, you don’t need to purchase a chiller. But, you are missing out on an experience like no other technology in the aquarium industry can match. The ability to manipulate the hell out of this lighting system, silently!
I urge you to replace that lame AI controller and you will unleash the beast within that LED system. Imagine having clouds pass over your reef. What about the occasional rainy days, and lightning storms? You can have it with a Profilux. You also earn the ability to set multiple lighting periods throughout the photoperiod. A major drawback of other lighting systems (and the AI with a standard controller) is limitation of modes. You can program sunrise and sunset schemes, but the rest of the day your lights shine at 100%. In nature, the light intensity changes throughout the day. The Profilux delivers. Da Artsy Cube reef experiences a unique sunrise, then from sunrise to noon, LEDs increase to maximum intensity. Then, just like nature, the light intensity gradually decreases until sunset. So does my reef. It is way cool. And, with the addition of cloud probability, storms, and rainy days. . . everyday is different!