. . . da RC Artsy-Cube project - - - Picture Intense

Superglue gel. You have to be a bit careful not to use too much glue which may harm the flesh.

When removing zoanthids from a rock, cut into the rock and not the zoanthids. This allows you to glue the rock and not the coral tissue. Not always possible though.

Hope this helps.
Well, the Aqua Illumination LED module arrived on Friday. I spent a full day testing this unit. I plan to write a full review. It should be posted later this week.

OMG the Tunze 7096 Controller is AWESOME!!! :thumbsup:

I played around with it for about two hours this morning. I will try to shoot a video and post it on YouTube.

da Artsy Cube has two 6055 pumps and the 7096 controller. I played around with many configurations, and liked many of them.

The tank is a nano tank, 14inch cube. The internal sump section acts as a Nano WaveBox, therefore I setup the controller in the wavemode.

When both pumps are connected to Channel 2, Socket 3 & 4, 3" waves were created front to back with a Hz of .34 seconds on 18 volt setting. Waves go from front to back.

I checked the Inverse button and waves traveled from side to side, which looked totally cool.

The night mode is an awesome feature. The Moonlight is not used, because I use a moonlight feature built into the Aqua Illumination LED system.

What I like: tons and tons of control. You can do just about anything. Including running wave pumps on Channel 1, Output 1 and 2. You do this by putting pump power at 100% over 0%. You can this change Hz by adjusting time from .3 seconds upward. I tried this and it works, just like the wavecontroller option, however, it does not syncronize with channel 2, so the timing is not in sync.

I also love the voltage selector on the 6055s from 12 volt to 24 volts. This allows for a lot of varibility with wave action. It is important to note that after changing the voltage, the resonance frequency changed in some cases.

Again, this controller is AWESOME and their is a ton of other stuff I like, but I want to turn my attention to a couple things that could use improvement for the next software upgrade and one hardware change:

HARDWARE: The night time sensor is hardwired to the unit. This sucks for my application. It should be a plug in module like other tunze controllers. I have the sensor routed through a pole along with the light cables. In order to take the controller home to reprgram the unit, I will need to pull the sensor all the way out of the pole. I also have to unmount the pole. It would be best if the cable stayed in the pole, and I could disconnect it from the controller. Then the controller would be truly portable.

SOFTWARE: Wavecontroller sockets 3 & 4 turn off during night mode. I would prefer an option where these pumps can revert to a soft setting like Socket 1 and 2. It could be a simple thing to add a Night Mode box to the Wavecontroller options. This would then allow a user to set the Power 1 percentage so that a soft night time flow is achieved.

Because the Night Mode disables both pumps, I had to connect one pump to Socket 1 and the other to Socket 4. During Night Mode, Socket 4 pump shuts off and Socket 1 pump runs at the Power 1 setting of 30%.

As an option, I tried running both pumps as wave pumps in Socket 1 & 2, even though not synchronized. Power 1 is set at 0% and Power 2 is set at 100%. However, when Night Mode kicks in, the pumps revert to the Power 1 setting which is set to 0%. So this experiment failed.

Roger, any thoughts on how to get some night time activity from Socket 3&4 when in Wavecontroller mode?

Another issue I am experiencing is that one 6055 pump is noticably noisier than the other. Any trick to this? Can I use a scotch brite pad on the impeller magnet or titanium shaft to sand it down a bit. Not sure if that is the cause of the noise or not. the noise is a louder hum. Especially noticed on higher voltage settings. I am using the Socket 1 pump on the 12 volt setting just to keep the pump quieter.

All in all, I am very impressed. The fish and coral seem to like the new wave action.

I will try to post a YouTube video showing waveaction and screen shots of the settings that create those different waves. This should illustrate the multitude of options available by this controller.

Following your thread. Nice project. How do you like the Aquaillumination fixture? Do you still plan on posting your review?
I do plan to write the review. I just need some time to do it.

There are many advatages of this light. So, far i like it.
I made a three part video of . . . da Artsy Cube and Tunze 7096 controller and some of the functions that I use, including the wavecontroller options.



The 3 video is still uploading, but it should be there later today. Just search for Tunze 7096

I also made a video of . . . da Artsy Cube and Aqua Illumination LED system.

It has not finished uploading yet. You can search the video Aqua Illumination Part I, Part II and Part III on You Tube

A couple updates to report.

I should be posting a review of the AI LED system in a week or so.

the Profilux controller is in teh mail. I'm excited to get all control options out of a signle controller. This unit will replace a Tunze 7096 controller, Reef Fanatic ATO device, and Aqua Illumination Lighting Controller. That will be super cool!

A local reefer and friend, Mike, has begun work on . . . da Artsy Cylinder Stand. It should be done in a week or too.

The stand will complete the system. the corals are in place. I have a bunch of frags on the bottom of the tank that I need to clear out. I guess I can upload some photos.

the wave action in the tank is phenominal!!! A new fish moved into the tank. Black Cap basslet. So far, the three fish get along.
Oh, the controller will also replace teh Neptune Controller, which only monitors pH, temp and ORP at this time. It will be nice to reduce clutter.
Cant wait!!! I love the fact that no matter what there is allways something different out there!! Keep it up i would love to see this tank still rolling and growing in a few years!!
Update on . . . da Artsy Cube

Mike has begun work on . . . da Artsy cylinder stand. Having this complete is getting exciting.

The Profilux Plus II controller arrived today. The language is very different from Neptune. I struggled to get everything setup correctly on the first attempt. However, It has now taken over Tunze Wave pump action, montoring from the Neptune, ATO from a Reef Fanatic device, and lighting control (still waiting on a cable for this). The Profilux has replaced at least 5 separate control devices.

It also has better wave pump control compared to the Tunze 7096 controller. However, the pulse time increments are 0.1 seconds, starting at 0.4. The Tunze range is 0.01 increments starting at 0.30 seconds. At first glance, I was worried that the Profilux could not offer a starting frequency of 0.1 seconds, as I was told by Profilux staff. However. The actual spin time on the Profilux at 0.4seconds is actually shorter than the Tunze 0.30 seconds. Hmmm, that¡¦s funny. I thought time was time. Someone is off here, not sure who. Anyhow, I found a reasonable resonance frequency of 0.6 seconds. The frequency the tank needs is somewhere between 0.6 and 0.7 seconds. Wish it had an adjustment in the hundreths of seconds, instead of tenths. The feature I really like about the Profilux Wave controller is that at night, you can dim the wave action to any %. During the day, the pumps pulse on/off from 0% to 100% every 0.6 seconds. At night the pumps run from 0% to 20%. This allows the wave action to continue at night, but much softer amplitude, just like in the ocean. The Tunze 7096 does not offer this operation. In night mode, the wave pump turns off. This was problematic since I only use two pumps for the system. As a result, only one pump performed wave mode, the other was in pulse mode. With the Profilux, both pumps run in wave mode. VERY COOL !!!

Enough blah.

The ring has quickly been filled in. I can barely add anything new to the ring. So, now I will just sit back and allow for quilt-work growth to happen. The four column walls now have nice specimens of LPS brain corals. Three different platygyras, and one unknown brain coral species. I¡¦m still unsure what I am going to do with all that ground clutter. I broke the tank at home down, so taking the corals home is not an option right now.

It has been awhile since I have posted any photos. Enjoy!

Full tank shot



Profilux controller


You can see the Aqua Illumination LED module in the reflection

BamBam Orange, Armor of God, Baby Blues, and Drogon Eyes all next to each other Æ'º
Awesome looking Nuclear Green protopalythoas and some other very cool purple/green palythoas

RADE, Eagle Eyes, and AOG wannabees

Green/Blue Brain coral attached to the column wall

Pink Palythoas

Larger brain coral with polyps out

Turquoise Blue Platygyra

Blue Platygyra with a sea cucumber hanging around just above it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15008421#post15008421 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cerreta
Awesome looking Nuclear Green protopalythoas and some other very cool purple/green palythoas

I havent come across this thread in forever, but i remember reading it all about 8 months ago, LOOKS GREAT! I just wanted to say those purple/pink with green skirt zoas or SOOO sexy! Would you happen to know where you got them from or you arent ready to frag a polyp or two are you :).
Ha. got them from LFS. I actually have a few polyps floating around the bottom of the tank. I have not mounted them yet.

They are sexy, and voluptuous too, I would guess a D-cup in zoanthid land. :)

Sorry not for sale, I only have about 6 polyps.

I'll try to get a cropped shot of those and the nuclears too.