Damn You phosphates!!!

my wife????

i just asked her and she said it was "city of las cruces"

F@cking funny bro!

I know what Russ means. We do make the check out to city of LC. But there is a controlling party that has the actual water rights. City of LC sets the water lines while the controlling water company uses the water lines to distribute water to its customers or within their holding tanks range. For example, in Tucson, we would pay to city of Tucson waste water/water. However, the water rights and most part of the payment went to Metro Water while Tucson got a portion of the money to pay for the infrastructure they set.

I will try to look up who is the controlling water rights. However, it could be different from one side of the city to another.
yeah i havn't paid a bill in 10 years!!! she takes care of me. or at least that is what she tells me she is doing lol.

i thought i researched it when i first bought the system and everyone i talked to said it was only chlorine.

but i know Jay isn't in the habit of just buying stuff willie nilly so he must have a reason, and steffen ....well who knows about steffen.
you and steffen are on jornado water then. what about you hans? your over in that neck of the woods. i didn't think anyone in nm used chloramine.
but i know Jay isn't in the habit of just buying stuff willie nilly so he must have a reason, and steffen ....well who knows about steffen.
Sorry, I was on my BB when I posted the last so had to make it short. Can't text very good!

Anyways, I have contacted Jornada a few times to ask what they used to sanitize the water. The first time I called the person I talked to wasn't too sure. I called a few days later, talked to a different person and they told me they did use chloramines. I called today and the gentleman I talked told me he never heard of chloramines and did not seem real sure! So I asked for a water report to be sent to my house today. But my original purchase, after the second call, I went with the chloramines filters.

Russ, if they are not using chloramines is it still ok to use those types of filters or is it better to stick with just carbon? Thanks,

I looked on line and can't come up with the Jornada report. Sorry. When you call in there - right off the bat ask for a supervisor. Most of the people there probably have no idea about anything having to do with water quality. If you somehow find a report online, let me know and I'll take a quick look at it.

Is it ok to use and extra carbon block - sure - we venders love when people insist on buying stuff they don't need!

But seriously now... No. won't hurt anything except your wallet. If you use CGAC (no GAC!) make sure you flush it well and don't let the flush water go into another filter.

you and steffen are on jornado water then. what about you hans? your over in that neck of the woods. i didn't think anyone in nm used chloramine.
You know i don't know either. I know up the road from where we live is a water holding tank. But can never manage to find a name on it. Frickin NM artists think they have to scribble on everything!!

Sorry, I was on my BB when I posted the last so had to make it short. Can't text very good!

Anyways, I have contacted Jornada a few times to ask what they used to sanitize the water. The first time I called the person I talked to wasn't too sure. I called a few days later, talked to a different person and they told me they did use chloramines. I called today and the gentleman I talked told me he never heard of chloramines and did not seem real sure! So I asked for a water report to be sent to my house today. But my original purchase, after the second call, I went with the chloramines filters.

Russ, if they are not using chloramines is it still ok to use those types of filters or is it better to stick with just carbon? Thanks,

Jay--isn't this crazy and scary to think there are imbeciles who are supposed to treat our "drinking water" yet they dont know what they are putting in it? It's scary to think that they could be putting arsenic in the drinking water and they would probably not even know it!