Daniel's Nano Setup - Need Tips/Tricks


Hi Reefers,

My name is Daniel and I just realised that keeping a Saltwater Aquarium is a hobby, that I have been missing out on and need in my life. After spending more time reviewing, browsing and reading up on this hobby than I did on homework in college, I have decided to potentially move forward with the build below. Please bear in mind, that I am new to the hobby and while I am very dedicated, there is nothing better than tips/tricks from other rookies and veterans.

Tank: Innovate Marine 10 Gallon NUVO Fusion
Light: Kessil A80 Tuna Blue
Heat: 50w Eheim Jager
Pump: Sicce Syncra Silent .5
Powerhead: Hydor Koralia Nano 425 (maybe not needed with return pump?)
Media: InTank Basket: Floss, Purigen, Matrix/Chemipure
Rock: 5-10 lbs Reef Saver Aquarium Dry Live Rock
Sand: 10lbs Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Live Sand

Api Master Test Kit

Future Purchases:
RO/DI Buddie

Two Clowns
One Goby
Nassarius Snail/Pistol Shrimp?

So many that I find interesting and beautiful... I will definitely be looking forward to browsing your suggestions.

Again, take it easy on me but fire away with comments, notes, suggestions etc.

Thank you and happy reefing!

Yeah personally I would ditch the flow pump. All you need in a tank that size is something to agitate the surface.

I agree, I had a nano (5 gallon) for a while, and hopefully will soon again, but in hindsight I feel that I over-provided flow in the tank and it may have been better had I not. I had a HOB filter and the smallest pump I could find (I can't remember the specs). A guy told me that the filter may be enough flow for a tank the size, but he said it with hesitation so I just went about my way... oh well 🤷🏻*♂️ but if it were my tank, I'd wait and see how it's doing before adding extra flow [emoji851]

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Definitely go with a higher quality test kit. I started off with api but after I moved to Red Sea test kits I won't go back. API just wasn't accurate enough for me.

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Great tips! Gonna hold off on the power head for now - might have to invest in one later on, depending on corals.

Gonna do some digging into the Red Sea kit. I have just heard good things about API.

During my cycling, do you guys recommend Dr. Tim's one and only/maybe something else?
Are you married to the 10g? Is there any chance you could up that to a 29g AIO? The margin for error is razor thin with a 10g, especially for someone who is new to the hobby. I wouldn't recommend 3 fish in that size tank, especially if you're planning on some coral as well.
Rjukan - Unfortunately I would have a hard time squeezing in a bigger tank at the place I am currently at. I am planning on upgrading tank once I move to a bigger place at the end of next year. Thanks.
If you are set on 10g I would recommend keeping it all as simple as possible. Pick a couple fish you really like, that will keep your bioload down - less poop and extra food floating around to cause problems. Once you get your live rock, sand, any pump, plus heater and other equipment in there, you're going to find that 10 gallons fills up quick. Just my opinion.
Wecole! My first tank was a 10gallon standard and I had one ywg and one clown and a few hermits snails cleaner shrimp and that tank did extremely well then I went to biocube 14.that ten gallon was my first sw tank and it was very successful just member 10%weekly water changes and don’t overstock. Check parameters at least weekly I did twice a week it’s work but this tank can be done with careful attention!
Recommend you consider an All-In-One, AIO, tank because the internal chambers will house and conceal your filtration/purification processes. Slightly larger than a 10G. I’ve been using a Fluval 13.5G for almost a year with the only filtration being weekly 2G water changes and a refugium in the center chamber. Easy and compact.