Dark Algae growing on my zoas


New member
I have a dark very dark green algae growing on some on my zoa steams. This is causing them to stay closed. Anyone know what this could be? anyone know how to get rid of it? I have cut feeding down to virtually nothing. I am running my skimmer, carbon and GFO 24 hours as well as a UV that I just installed. PLEASE HELP!!! Are there any algae eaters that would clean this without killing the zoas?


Add more snails. Review your lighting (possibly cut back as required). Change bulbs if old. REmember, The UV light makes the tank very clear and thus causes more light to enter the tank causing more algea if your parameters are not good (ie. high nitrates and phoshates). Stop feeding Phyto (if you are feeding Phyto) for a while as it sounds like your Phosphates are high. Change your GFO as it can get saturated very quickly. Do a few water changes to delute any proteins in your tank. I even put my snails on the green problem area until it gets resolved. If you can add a hang-on refugium with Cheato to compete against unwnated algea will also help. GL... Hope i gave you enough ideas. Lastly if you can remove any with a toothbrush outside the tank- do it. Try not to do it in the tank as it may just spread.
Hold back the lighting and get a turkey baser and stream the zoas with water. You may need to add more flow in the tank. Looks like a dead zone in the tank when it comes to flow.
Snails will take care of it. It also may be fungus, so dipping with Furan can help. I think its 1 packet of furan in 1 cup of tank water. Repeat for like 3 days straight, then a final dip with lugols.
Snails will take care of it. It also may be fungus, so dipping with Furan can help. I think its 1 packet of furan in 1 cup of tank water. Repeat for like 3 days straight, then a final dip with lugols.


Or it could be bacteria. Post up a picture.
I had some troublesome algae on a "high end" zoa plug. I dipped in in RPS allout per the instructions, waited a day, and dipped again. All the algae turned white and was easily brushed off with a soft bristle toothbrush. Zoa stayed very happy. Once the algae was gone the snails keep any exposed plug without zoa growth covering it yet polished clean.