Darth mauls?

$27 a head is quite expensive. If you are determined to have them, toss up $27 and split them... You could have 2 for $27 that way :P Although I would do some more "shopping" around. They are quite cool though! :)
I would like to say that its a normal retail price... Most people here on RC are used too the other hobbiest who are also on this HOBBY forum who give better deals. They dont have over head like a store does. You would get it cheaper from a local reefer...
Bought mine for $40 for 3 heads at the LFS in St. Louis. They are doing great in my tank with 250 watt M.H, T-5's actinic's and LED nightlights. I keep them toward the bottom of my 55 with the lights 8" off the tank. They have quadrupled in size in about 4 months.
I think I'm missing out on all of these Bay Area deals... CL zoa prices are off the wazoo for basic stuff and I don't find much in the Greater San Fran Forum either... :(
Try South Bay Area. That's where I'm from. I find some nice corals at reasonable prices
Love this Zoa and want a few myself.

Does this Zao do better long term when bought in a larger colony? Like maybe 7-10 polyps? I read that these tend to "melt" when bought 1-3 polyps.
So does anyone have pictures of them in their tank? A buddy who has been in the hobby for some time was telling me you could very likely bring these home and they change color or morph due to differently lighting, water quality, etc. Obviously they could stay exactly like the picture above. I just haven't seen any pics of them in someones tank, only from online sellers. More curiosity than anything as I really like the zoos and these are the only ones that have made me consider ordering from an online store.
Here is the one polyp I picked up the other day. Sorry for photo quality.


  • Darth Maul Actinic 1-21-2012.jpg
    Darth Maul Actinic 1-21-2012.jpg
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