
Thank you for sharing such a fantastic tank. Can you tell me which post number you have your tank specifications listed? Looks like all T5 lighting and bare bottom. What are you using for flow, skimming, ca and ALK supplements?
Thank You Everyone!
I am happy that You like my tank:)

Thank you for sharing such a fantastic tank. Can you tell me which post number you have your tank specifications listed? Looks like all T5 lighting and bare bottom. What are you using for flow, skimming, ca and ALK supplements?

My current tank:
120x70x50 cm

Light: ATi 8x54W
Skimmer: AF200
Flow: Tunze 6150,Tunze 6055, Jebao Wp40

I am dosing Component1+2+3+ to keep regular level of Ca,KH,Mg and microelements.

Also I am dosing supplements as I wrote:
I am dosing:

Coral A - 2 drops/daily
Coral B - 2 drops/daily
Coral E - 2 drops/daily
Coral V - 2 drops/daily

Pro Bio S, Pro F - per 2 drops daily
I am dosing Component1+2+3+ to keep regular level of Ca,KH,Mg and microelements.

Hi Debora,

gorgeous tank. I'm interested in the amount of Component 1+2+3+ you are adding daily. I'm starting a new tank and i'll use Aquaforest products. Finally we've got them here in Spain.

Thank you.
Hi Debora,

gorgeous tank. I'm interested in the amount of Component 1+2+3+ you are adding daily. I'm starting a new tank and i'll use Aquaforest products. Finally we've got them here in Spain.

Thank you.

Thank You!
I am dosing 3x280ml right now.

From their webside:

Component 1+ contains: Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr ( 50ml raises of 9mg Ca/100 l and 0,6 mg Mg/100l).
Component 2+ contains: NaHCO3, F, I ( 50ml raises the KH of 1,3 dkh(Alk 0,46 meg/l).
Component 3+ contains: mineral salts and K, Bo.

Debora: thank you for the information. What bulbs do you use in your ATI fixture? Are you using ATI bulbs and in what combination?

Here is my bulbs combination:
Narva Blue
Narva Blue
Narva Blue
Ati Aquablue special
Ati Purple plus
Narva Blue
Narva Blue
Narva Blue
Looks like I have just found my favourite tank. You are a pro!

Thank You!:)
That's very nice





Beautiful as always Debora!
I love your updates.
I was looking at your bulb combo.. Lots of blue..
Do you have trouble taking photos with all that blue?
Do you correct white balance on the camera or in post processing?
What ISO and shutter speed do use - approximately.
Do you turn the pumps off for shooting?