DECEMBER MEETING-important please read and get the word out!


New member
The meeting for December will not be held at Coral Island on the 29th. Our normal time would've been last Friday.

I would like to know how everyone feels about the meeting. If we keep it on the 29th it will have to be at Southwest Reef Co. Jason at Emperor's Ocean cannot host as he has a prior engagement. Or we could cancel this meeting and pick up after the first of the year. Please let me know how you feel and get the word out to anyone you know who is coming to the meetings. As of right now I'm open to what you guys want to do. I don't want to wait to long to change it so post up by end of day Wednesday please!!!!!

Happy Tanks and Merry Christmas to all,

Either way works for me. I don't mind going back to SW, or waiting if that's what everyone else wants to do.
well the ufc fight is on at seven on sat the 29th. so unless the fight is at rob's i would have to vote for the cancellation of the meeting in dec. and that is my final answer.
I can wait, or come. Very Flexible. I am off work that day, so either way works for me. I will keep watch on this thread to see what is decided. Thanks for the heads up.
Ok thanks for the posts everyone, let's cancel this meeting and pick up January 26th at 6pm, probably at Emperor's Ocean watch the threads I'll post confirmation. This is a bad time of year to get a bunch of people togther, those of you who are watching the fight, enjoy, and we'll get together in January.

:) Since I won't see you have a safe and Happy New Year!!!!
well fight was well worth the five bucks that i paid to get in. reign had join me at the uptown bar and grill. unfortunately didn't see anyone else there. missed you all