Decent macro or better luck next time?

When I checked with them they did not have any Nikon macros available to rent but that was a while ago. You can borrow mine as long as you promise to let me borrow your Nikon 100mm VR Macro when you get it :)

Sounds like a deal... I wouldn't hold your breath on the 100mm though :sad2:
I need to find a good macro for my canon, taking photos like that is just too cool. Yet another expensive addition to this hobby :lolspin:.
I need to find a good macro for my canon, taking photos like that is just too cool. Yet another expensive addition to this hobby :lolspin:.
Brad - I have the Canon 100mm macro lens + two extension tube sets if you want to borrow them to mess with. I probably won't be doing anything with them for a while. At least until I get a little further along with the tank.
Re: Decent macro or better luck next time?

Thanks Alan, that would be great. Are you going to be at the next meeting by chance?