Deep Blue 30g rimless aka mistress


New member
Well, it's almost been a year since I've had a tank since selling my cadlight. Figure it was about time to get wet again so Broland hooked a brother up with selling me my old DB 30g cube.

Before shots


First main piece of equipment for a reefer is a rodi unit so I found someone selling one for a pretty good price over in Orlando. its a 5 stage brs with pressure gauge and tds meter.

and since i'm not going to have the money for an apex right now i went ahead and got 2x DJ switches. i didnt realize the plugs weren't on the back of these but instead on the side so i had to change where i put them in the tank. wanted them up top. plus they're build strange so the hole i had to cut is bigger than the plate on the switches so there's a gap(have to fix it) on the side of them.


next i had to figure out a way to hang the 250w radium over top of this.


and hanging over the tank bad pic with everything in the messy garage(need to clean this up. lol it just so hot here in FL)

if the halides are to hot i just got these custom DIY led . i'll mount the brackets on the back before i set it up in case i want to switch it over.

Forgot these sets of pics. Lol
so the first thing i had to do with the stand is cut another opening on the side so i could stick the sump it left to right.



fits like a glove. lol
Scored a killer deal on a Hanna PO4 checker, refractometer, handheld tds meter, and an api saltwater test kit for $50. Regimen is expired on the Hanna but figured it's still a good deal.
Well, finally went to Lowes to get some of the plumbing pieces together. Had about 30mins before work so I got the manifold put together and an idea of where I wanted to put it. Came out pretty nice.

After seeing everything up saw the drain wasn't going to line up so I needed to get a few 45's and forgot to add a ball value to the actual return part so on break went to ace to get the rest of the stuff. I got off work around 11:45 and "the mistress" was calling for some alone time so with a yuengling lager and a maduro HC black stogie went ahead and finish the plumbing part or at least the dry fit. Think it came out nicely. Tomorrow I'll move the tank inside to glue everything up.

I'm thinking this might be the aquascape plus an island out front and a ledge.

On a great note won a few auction tonight. Yellow and blue tenuis

Here's to a good night. Also got my jebao pp4 ordered. Hopefully she'll be wet tomorrow.
Well, got a lil more done to the tank. I still need a clamp for the return and to make up some water and buy salt. That'll probably be tomorrow mornings task or another cigar and beer night. Lol got the halides up and plumbing done and moved the refugium light to the other side. Think it should work there pretty good. Lol

Also won a pretty sweet Aussie chalice

Still deciding on if I want to run these DIY LEDs I got. I know they'll grow anything under them.
Well, got 14g from a glacier machine and the tds was only 7 so I'll cheat on making my own and waiting all day for it. Lol I'll grab another 14g tomorrow and probably fill up my brute can in the garage for top offs. Still need to figure out what I'm going to use as a mixing bucket. Buy a tote or use a 20g tank and drill out the side and fit a bulkhead out of it.
Got my pp4 in today and hopefully get my salt Friday or Saturday. All it'll need is to be mixed and aquascape the rocks and add sand. Here's a teaser for ya.
Well, got off of work late tonight/morning but the mistress wanted some attention so I finish making water from break. Ended up mixing up 21g In the tank and about 14g in a tote. All I can say is aquaforest reef salt is amazing. Never saw it get cloudy and after about 15mins it was ready to be used. So, I've got no complaints. Plumbing needs a lil work to make it a tad bit quieter. Other than that didn't see any leaks. The skimmer is looking pretty good. Can't wait to see it in action. I'm glad I never got the dct6000 pump. The eheim compact 3000 is plenty of power has its only 50% open. The only equipment I need now is a couple reactors, tunze 3155 ago, and a apex jr to control the temp & lights. Here's a few pics of the aquascape which I'm planning on putting in with the sand and I'm going to the Madreefer(Lfs) tomorrow to buy a couple of mag floats and aquaforest bio s to jump start the cycle. Hopefully it'll do pretty good. Here's are the pics. Lol

And the only tank fully running.
Well, got the aquascape done like how it turned out. Here's a few shots of it plus whoever doesn't thing reef tanks are messy hasn't had one. Lol

Top view

Side view

Messy room. Lol
Well, I drop 2 drops of AF bio s yesterday(7/25/2016) so let the cycle start. This Fiji pink sand has the tank so cloudy I couldn't get anything else done last night after work. Finally cleared up enough to see it and I needed to move the sand around and poof another sand storm inside the tank. I dropped 2 more drops today followed by some ammonia. Tested the water and it was showing some ammonia so hopefully the cycle will go quickly now. It's got to be great using Aquaforest product when the LFS shelves looks like this. Lol

They were running a sale on reactor and phosphate minus so I went ahead and bought the 2 of them for $100. Basically got the minus for free.

Here it is under the stand. Almost doesn't fit but it's like a glove. Lol

Here's now the tank looks now. All cloudy for the damn sand.

And testing out the sump light with a cheap frag. Going to see how it does while cycling. So, far it's been opened the whole time. I have high hopes for this light.