Deep Blue 30g rimless aka mistress

Well, just got off work and went ahead and tested the tank to see where I was at.
Salinity 1.026
Ammonia 0.50
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
I've been dosing 2 drops of the bio s and I think I'll drop that down to a single drop starting today now.
Got some cords worked out of the way a lil bit. Still have some work there but need to go to lowes to figure out what to use as far as cord management stuff. Believe I've got my halide and refugium light set up now. My halides will run from 11a-4p and the refugium 4p-11a.
Turned the skimmer on to see how it would do. I left it now the other day and it overflowed and got some water all over the place. Nothing to major. It's actually producing a nice decent foamy head.

Put a ball value on the brute can and found a 20g one at Walmart for only $15 so I grabbed that one to use for mixing water. I'll buy the wheels for it so I can wheel it to the tank for when I mix up about 5-7g for water changes.

This thing saved me from a huge mess in the garage. Thank god it actually stopped the water from overflowing the can.

Got the call I've been waiting for about my new pair of clowns. They're a pair of ora premium snowflakes aka extreme snowflakes.

That's hint of blue streak that I absolutely love.
Well, tank is in cycle mode for the time being. Checked the ammonia level on Friday and it was about 0.50 checked it today and it's looking like 0 the nitrites and nitrates are showing a lil darker color than the 0 so I'm wondering if it's about there.

The refugium area is looking pretty dirty right now. Looks like the diatoms bloom is happening down there right now.

Skimmer after 24 hours. Wanted to make sure the cup didn't overfill like last week and make a lil mess for me to clean up.

Enjoying a good ol' stogie.
Well, tested the tank again today and ammonia was 0 nitrites 0 and nitrates 5ish. I'm starting to get a diatom bloom on the sand bed. The refugium rocks already have it down there. I went ahead and ordered a 26x26 piece of mesh screen for a top cause I plan on having a few jumpers I think. Plus it was only $7 shipped. Should be getting my lil Facebook auction pack here on Friday the zoa frag in the refugium is looking good. I also bought a thermometer at petco put it in the tank and the tank when the light as been on for 2 hours (1:15) was 78.3. Now with the light has been off since about 4 it's (7:30) 77. Now at midnight it's 76.3. Looks like I'm going to be setting up the heater tomorrow. And I'm going to try and keep an eye out for temp a lil better and have the Mrs text me temp tomorrow. The house is always set at 77.
Well, ordered my clean up crew from John at reef cleaner. Got 18 dwarf, 7 nassarius, 10 fl cerith, and 11 nerite. Plus went ahead and added the penny macro and an salifert KH/alk test to get $5 off the order. Should be here Wednesday. I think it's safe to say that the tank is done with cycling. I've got a nice diatom bloom going right now.

Here's what I dosed for the AF bio s. Seem to work pretty quickly.
2 drops of aquaforest bio s
7-26-2016 along with few drops of ammonia
1 drop of aquaforest bio s
Also just tested my brute can and had it come out at 0.05ppm. I'm thinking this could be a problem later on correct.
Well, got my screen in from aquarium overload went to lowes and grabbed 2 white frame pieces and started making the cover. I think it came out really good and think the white looks better than the brown.

Went down to the The Madreefer yesterday to picked up my pair of clowns and got some cheato & nice chalice as well. And they also had a Lubbock wrasse so I grabbed that since I had the top.
Lubbock wrasse


Well, should be getting my pieces in from Glenn on Friday. It's the blue tenuis, yellow tenuis, Aussie chalice, UWW rainbow sunburst, Jedi mind trick, pink/yellow paly, superman monti, pastel rainbow Latistella, and trachy.

Well, got my first order in today. Glenn did an outstanding job on packaging everything and made it a great experience. Sorry for the crappy iPhone pic but here's a few.

I can't wait for the Jedi and sunburst to grow out.

Well, sitting in front of the tank before work and took a few pics. Finally did my first water test. Don't think it came out to badly. po4 is high but everything else looks good. I'll be buying a CA kit tomorrow the cheato I got has easily doubled in size. I usually feed a mysis cube every other day and some life 1/2mm pellets on the other days. Going to buy some coral food tomorrow along with the CA kit.

Here's one from last night and how the skimmer is working. I would say pretty good.

$40 trachy

Monti collection

Lonely zoa. Lol

Chalice is getting some good color in.

This one is getting some extra colors as well.

Few sps pieces.
Well, haven't had much time with the tank this week. Works been pretty busy with the Labor Day this weekend and the storm out there. But Last Saturday the neighbor and myself took a 20mile run offshore to go fishing before I had to be at work at 2. So, up at 5 to get ready and on the water by 6. The seas were 3-4ft with the occasional 5-6ft. Luckily there wasn't really any wind so that saved us a lot.

Trolling around 7mph for the fishy.

Racing it back in so I'm not late. Lol

How the day turned out.

Tested the water yesterday and here's what it looks like. I'm doing my first water change today (I've been slacking) of 10L. Everything looks good except the yellow tenuis. I think it was stung by another sps cause the bottom is a lil white and that's where the other one hit it at. The top still looks great. Since my hands will be in the tank today I'm going to try and mount the few sps on the rock work today.
Here my son helping me feed the fish. All he was asking me to do is pet them. Lol
