Deep Blue 30g rimless aka mistress

Holy crap that's some dedication to get some trolling in before work. How long were you out there before heading back?
Holy crap that's some dedication to get some trolling in before work. How long were you out there before heading back?

Lol. The plan was to stay inside the port/jetty area since the weather was so bad or forecast to be bad. We went out to see how the ocean was and kept on going. We were trolling for a good 2.5 hours maybe 3. Came back and played on the jetty for about an hour and headed home for the ramp about 12:30.
Well, its been a crazy week and figure i need to post some updates on the tank. haven't really done anything with the tank besides hooking up my reactor due to a algae that started to cover all the rocks. figure from feeding a mysis cube every other day was probably way to much to i slowed that down and after about a month the algae is finally going away. i've added quite a bit of stuff in the last month or so my top pieces are bowsers, sunset monti, torch, and bubblegum digi. heres a few pics

algae problem



bad pic of bubblegum(need to figure out where to mount this guy)

new cap tonga branch(colors under MH are completely different than radion led. guy i bought it from couldn't get the purple rim on the cap and after throwing it in the tank pop. lol)

Bowsers, fruit loop, la lakers, pink hippo, and no namers

purple rim cap
Livestock 10/15/2016
Ora premium snowflakes (extreme snowflakes
Lubbock wrasse

Pink hippo/chucky bride
Electric Oompa Loompa(sold)
Fruit loop
La lakers

Blue tenuis
Pastel rainbow Latistella
Red digi

UWW rainbow sunburst
Jedi mind trick
Superman monti
Sunset monti
Idaho grape cap
Seasoning greeting
Red cap
Purple rim cap

Aussie chalice
Orange chalice(recessed)
Here's are the newly added pieces. Tyree space monster, Rastas, sunny d, orange rainbow, darth maul, fruit loop, mandarin orange, wow, and setosa

Here's what that piece looked like before I broke it up.
The tank is really coming along. I had similar algae issues when my skimmer was acting up. It wasn't skimming stably for almost a month and all of a sudden I had long wispy algae strands just like that covering my corals. One cube of Mysis every other day sounds like it is very light feeding to me. Have you checked to ensure your skimmer is doing its job and that your RODI water is still reading low PPM?
That looks great!

Tanks looking good keep up the great work

Looks good. What skimmer is that? Looks like a sca 301

Thanks everyone. The tank is in cruising mode right now. I really need to keep up with water changes or start dosing some cause I'm not really seeing to much growth on stuff.
Yes it's a sca 301 skimmer it's a great lil skimmer for sure. I just need to keep up with cleaning it cause it'll stop after a while. Which is what I think is cause the algae issues.