Deep dimension tank - stand height


Premium Member
Those of you with deep dimension tanks (3' roughly front/back), what's your stand height now, and would you have preferred? Do you primarily stand or sit to view it?

I'm having a hard time deciding this one. I'm 6'4", and anything less than 33" high will cause me to bend over all the time to see anything in the tank. Anything over 33" and people sitting will have harder time seeing the bottom parts of the tank. This tank will be against a wall in my living room and entry area, so people sitting and standing will typically be able to see the tank.

My 180 is at 32", and I don't have any real issues sitting or standing. I think it's the extra foot in depth that's throwing me off.

What do you think?
Get the taller stand, I'm 5'10 and I wish I went with a taller stand (my stand is 32'') and I have to crouch a bit to see everything. Besides, you'll be the one looking into the tank most of the time so grab something more fitting to you.

Oh and the people sitting and having problems looking at the bottom of the tank will easily be resolved when they stand up and approach the tank for a closer view of whatever is on your sandbed.
My tank is exactly "bar height"...which I recall being about 40". It is 4 feet deep. It is comfortably viewed from a standing position, but you can also sit on the bar stools provided.
Thanks for the feedback so far, keep it coming. I'm building it, so it can be basically whatever height I want. My only restriction is making sure there is room to mount my lights above the water.
Mine is 36.. I wish I would have gone 42.

The extra height under the tank will allow for bigger skimmer and more working room.
Mine is 44 inches and can be veiwed nicely from a seating or standing position.
Tank dimensions are 120Lx42Dx36H
I suggest the same for you and im 6ft tall
My tank is 36" back, 60" wide, 20" tall. My stand is at about 30" tall. Im only 5'9, so the height is nice for me. I can look straight into it, and I can also sit down on a chair and look straight into it (sand level). ID say 36"-40" would work well.....
41" on the stand, 88" to the top of the canopy, I'm 6'2" and it works well for me, Honestly I'd go up to about 48" on stand height the top of my tank is just under eye level with me.

If you are going with a canopy plan on nearly 24" if you are using lumenbrights.
Big thing to consider here you have to either make your stand on site, or make sure it can be taken apart, I don't have any doorways 37" wide, my steel stand separates into two pieces, I'm guessing you are going with wood?
My stand is 40" high.
tank is 24" high
Have no problems viewing while sitting. I like the fact that you don't see much of the sand actually.
My tank is 36" deep and the tank sits just about 37" off the ground. The tank is 30" tall. It anchors one side of the bar which is 43" high. The height works perfect for me when you are sitting on 30" bar stools.
My old 40 breeder was at 38". For anything deeper than that (front to back), I would want taller. I think 44" would be awesome.
I really think the answers you are getting vary so much due to how the question was asked, but if you were to ask what height the top of the tank is off the floor, they might be a lit more consistent. My current tank is a tall tank, so the stand is only 34" but the tank is 30" high, so for a short person like me is optimal viewing height. If the tank were 24" tall (or 18" tall) I would definitely want a higher stand.


PS - my current construction is 48" deep, 36" tall and the stand is going to be 36" (so 6' to top of tank)
My stand is at 36" tall and the tank is an additional 31". Seated is fine but when I walk up to it the total height is a little short (I'm 5'9"). How tall will your tank be?
If 36" is the height (LxHxW) of the tank a 36" tall stand is perfect. If 27" is the Height (LxWxH) you will need to use a taller stand.