Deep dimension tank - stand height



Just built my stand 48 inches tall and tank is 36 inches tall Im 6ft which puts me in the middle, it looks awesome and I love the room in the bottom, go big you wont regret it
I built mine 31". Do you have kids? A super tall stand makes it really hard for kids to see the tank. I have a couch right across from my tank.. I like to sit/lay on the couch and watch the tank.. If your going to be standing in front of the tank then taller is better.. I sit most of the time..The rest of the time I'm taking a nap on the couch :) Shorter stand also makes it easier to work on the tank. I built the frame for my stand out of Steel. So since its already 36" 1/2" wide I couldn't have made it much taller then 30" anyway. It wouldn't fit through doors. Most houses only have a 36" wide door.. They both have the + and -
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Twins on the way 8BALL_99, which is why I'm trying to complete some of these projects ;)

I'm going to mock up a couple different sized stands inside and see how it looks.
Then I'd consider a shorter stand.. I've got a 10 year old and a 15 month old. We also have several friends and family with kids of all ages. The first thing any of them do is want to look at the tanks. Even at 32" kids under 3 can't see the tank well in less they back up. Even then, get on your knees and look at your tank lol. It sucks
The kid factor is definately one I had to consider once - I installed a 110G tank in the daycare my son goes to. The main consideration was for the kids - the stand is 30" tall, and even then, the 2 year olds have a hard time seeing. I compensated for the low stand by a tall tank (110 is 30" tall) to end up pleasing both adults and kids viewpoints.

I built my stand for my 225 star fire tank to be 39", add 1 1/8" ply and there you go! I am going to have the A** end of the tank out the wall into the garage and have a 3' x 6' fish/sump room behind it so I made the stand so that it's completly open and accessable to the equiptment, Here's a couple pics of it with my 100 gallon sump.
