Deep Reef's 120 gallon build

Sorry been working a lot lately and haven't had time to post. let's see if we can catch up...From top to bottom I built a small manifold for one end of the sump with 1/2" valves so I could connect to other items like maybe a reactor. In the middle are the the 2 returns to the tank that will go over the top rim of the tank and finally the main manifold from the return pump.

This is a pick of my 75DT that got a case of GHA as the plug to the skimmer had fallen out allowing all the skim to return to the tank.

view of the entire tank w/o canopy

Finally last Sunday the day came. All rock from Reef Rocks was washed and set out to dry

160lbs of Aragonite seaflor special sand was washed..

My fish were out since August due to a case of ICH and it was time to return them so all was ready for the transfer.......
The Move begins.....
Review of the plan and removal of the corals

All existing rock stored in a rubbermaid container

Tank drained and sand sifted for critters

Tank moved from place of honor

Tank moved to staging area...notice the sliders great idea from others.

Dismantling of system for move

Tank brought in and staged on kitchen counter

Sump brought in

Problem...stand won't fit through garage entrance

But front door works
Stand set in place

Tank was next

Help was provided by all family members

Level was checked both shims required :)

It was getting late and I needed to make a couple of water runs before the fish store closed. So I had to be quick and add all the rock just in the tank so I could account for water volume.

BTW the people at Reef Zone here in Plantation were really great. they even indicated they could hold water for me if I called. ahead.
Looks good. I hated moving my 75 into another room during construction, then broke it down again to set it back up right after. Glad that's over with. What are your plans for livestock?
Well I currently have a Kole tang, a Kaudern's Cardinal and a yellow watchman goby w/ pistol shrimp that were in quarantine from the original 75g tank. I also have a midas blenny and 2 perc clowns that will be out of quarantine on Saturday. Yesterday I also picked up a one spot foxface, a female leopard wrasse and a black cap basslet which will be in QT for the next 6 weeks.
Doors installed

Rock rearranged and corals placed in tank on the day after the move.

Sump piping was piped on move day but the skimmer was put in on day 2.

My disc coral broke into pieces wen I picked it up. it has been eating and seems to be surviving.

I built frames for the screens. I ran into a problem that the corner pieces only fit one way so I had to figure another way to offset for the return lines.

I solved the prolem by cutting one corner tip off and drilling a hole for a zip tie. then when the scree was installed I used 2 more ties to secure the screen to the frame at this corner. it worked out great.

Screen completed

and installed
here's the tank cleared out

Parts to hang the light

Vent fan wiring secured

Close up of wiring clamp and hook installed to support light.

Cables installed on light at each end.

Light hung inside of canopy

Side view of completed tank/stand/canopy

Front view

Closeup of tank

That's it for now. the next step will be the construction of an algae scrubber. I hope you enjoyed the build.
Algae Scrubber

Algae Scrubber

some of the live rock I had transferred from my 75DT had GHA. I tried cleaning the rock as I put it in but couldn't get all of it. So with the nutrients of the new tank providing food the GHA has taken off. I had been doing reading regarding Algae Scrubbers and I thought this would be the way to go. So i built my scrubber:

To this I added a Rio 1100 pump to provide the necessary 35 gph per length of slot/screen and installed into my sump (where my Chaeto resides).

I installed the Rio in the same pump section as my return pump and added 46 actual watts / side of CFL lighting.

Here is my current condition:

I will keep you updated on the progress.
Where did you get the fish molding from ? Was it General Hardwoods & Millwork in Ft Lauderdale ? I am on the website and dont see those - did you call them direct to order ?
How did your algae scrubber work out? Still using it?
It didn't really. It took up too much room in my sump and I needed to find a better way to provide light. I took it out of service and went to gfo and vinegar dosing. Algae has cleared.
Where did you get the fish molding from ? Was it General Hardwoods & Millwork in Ft Lauderdale ? I am on the website and dont see those - did you call them direct to order ?
I bought all trim from them as it is all maple. The plywood also was bought there as it was maple veneer. The fish I found on line. I will look as I kept all receipts. All board lumber I bought from a woodwork place on Oakland blvd.
Nopeeeee not buying this information by now for almost a 2year resurrection to this thread we need a full tank shot lol
Nopeeeee not buying this information by now for almost a 2year resurrection to this thread we need a full tank shot lol
Sorry for quality cellphone pick. Tank is almost empty due to a brown jelly disease outbreak. I have 2 additional corals in qt.
I was looking thru the build and noticed that you had plumbed for a HOB return but when looking at the pictures it shows as if the stand/tank are sitting against the wall.. Did you end up doing the HOB return & if so what size did you use for the pipe and how much room did it take up behind the tank? It doesn't look like there is a gap between the tank and wall.. If you don't mind about how much gap between the tank and wall. Or if you have a side picture that would help out . Thanks
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