Defective bubble blaster pump


New member
I stipped by your store last week to pick up some stuff & I purchased a bubble blaster 3000NW pump. When I hook it up to my old ER 12-2 skimmer the pump runs for 10-20 seconds then cuts out... makes a funky noise then runs again. The air bubble stream stays constant until it cuts out/makes a noise & pushes a big strong burst of tiny bubbles.... then runs again. It repeats this non stop....

I also have a BB5000 NW that I purchased from you a while ago. I was comparing these two pumps on my ER skimmer to see what works best. When I put the 5000NW on the skimmer, plummed the same way except the out take on the 5000 is reduced from the 1.25 (I think that's the diameter) to 1.00 in.... it works perfectly

Any idea what I need to do to get this pump looked at? thanks
Also purchased two of the Hydro MaX water changing kits. Both of them leak at the junction where you can turn the siphon on or off.... one of them has a cracked outsing. Fortunantly I have a old fitting that works, the old green ones from Python if I recall.....
How is the pump plumbed? Can you post some photos of it?

On the Hydro Max kit we can get that swapped out for you, just let us know.

I called your shop today and they told me to call your supplier.... vue aquatics or something like that

it's simply a in PVC pieces into my skimmer, I think I had a single 45 or 90 & maybe 5-6 inches of total plumming

I did the exact same thing to the larger BB5000NW except the output was reduced from 1.25 to 1in to enter the skimmer, works great w/o a single issue. I do plan on changing that to a RC'd skimmer with dual 1in returns

Do you need me to just mail the defective hydro maxx part your way?
Vue Technology = Coralvue, they should be able to get you back up and running on the pump. If the other one is working then you should be plumbed up fine.

Just send the Hydro Max back to us and we'll get a replacement headed out to you.
thanks... you guys rock :)

& FWIW the real reef aquacultured/fake LR is pretty awesome stuff, HIGHLY reccomend it!!! One of the pieces I purchased is just covered with really cool stuff.....
I set up a little 3.5g nano on my kitchen counter with this stuff, I love it! Going to redo my 75g at home with it as well this weekend.