Derasa Help


My 5-inch Derasa has a portion of the mantle retracted. Can any of you guys help with the diagnosis of this condition? Otherwise, the clam is fine. Thanks, Tom
I kind of hard to tell with that picture but you may check the lip of the shell and see if there is something there that is irritating his mantle.

Derasa help

Derasa help

It looks like a small piece of mantle is missing in the middle of the retracted section of mantle,
I have a few questions, do you have any cleaner shrimps, blue legged hermits, and what fish if any, do you have in the tank with the clam. I need this info to come up with an answer.

Thanks, CaptiveReef :D
No cleaner shrimp, but I do have some Blue-Legged Hermits, and a Coral Beauty, and a Flame Angel. I also have a 3 inch Blue-Face Angel, but I have never seen any picking at the clam by any of the fish or crabs. I guess it is possible, but I keep them well fed.

You are taking a chance as the Angels you have can and have been know to nip at clam mantles.

I will not allow the clam to be picked at. I will remove him to a better home if it is discovered to be happening. Thanks for the replies. I will also check to see if he has any irritants between his mantle and shell as I have a Golden-Headed Sleeper Goby that drops sand around him sometimes, and I think that maybe he might have dropped something between his shell and mantle.


Sicklid, The Blue Face Angel really worries me!!!!!! as well as the blue leg hermits, they are scavengers of meat( MANTLE) I have seen them rip apart turbo snails.
I keep no fish with my clams, I only have scarlet reef hermits, and turbo snails in the same tank.
I have seen Yellow Tangs, Hippo Tangs, Cleaner Wrasse, just harass clams to a point where they don't open, then die.

They like to pick at the mantle, The only fish I have had with my clams with no problems, were a large school of Green Chromis.
From the photo there is a definite sign of mantle damage on the left fringe that is folded back. Clams will heal quickly, also what are your tanks parameters, Nitrate, Ph, calcium.

:D CaptiveReef
Thanks Captivereef. I just thought of something. Do you think that the bubble next to him might be stinging him after the lights go out? The ph is 8.3, the calcium is 425, and the Nitrates are .10. If there is any harassment going on, it has to be during the day while I am at work, because I watch the tank from 4 P.M. until lights out.
Derasa help

Derasa help

The Bubble coral could be causing problems, if you can move the clam away that might help. You have a few culprits in the tank, it may be a process of elimination.
Your tank parameters are fine, please keep me posted on the clams condition, Clam Hotline

:D CaptiveReef