Quick update on the tank. I seeded the tank with the pond matrix that was in my 20 gallon, after a week I dosed Dr Tims ammonia into the tank up to 2ppm. After another week and no nitrite or nitrate readings I used a bottle of Bio Spira. A few days after the bio spira nitrites were visible on the tests with a slight amount of ammonia. After a few more days ammonia tested zero, nitrites tested zero and nitrates were at about 10. I did 2 5 gallon water changes on the reefer and moved the coral and clowns from the 20 into the reefer.
I tried to move my MP10wQD onto the reefer but the glass was just a little to thick. I couldn't get the wet and dry side to work, so I picked up a MP40wQD. I also picked up an Apex from a buddy who bought someone out of the hobby (I was going to get an apex at some point anyway, glad I have it!). Since this is the Apex classic it does not have WIFI built in, I updated the firmware on an older linksys router I had with DD-WRT so that wireless router now acts as a repeater bridge and the apex is fully accessible from anywhere via fusion.
Aside from that I custom ordered an ATO container, I am still waiting for it to be made and shipped. A few more pieces of hardware and then all funds allocated to the tank will be spent on livestock!
2 Kessil A series mounts are on the tank.
Apex setup, I need to work on cable management a little more! I do have a breakout box I need to see what I can do with it!
Linksys WRT54 "Jail broken" if you will to act as a repeater. Instead of spending $30 plus on a gaming adapter!