Diamond Goby removal (Part Uno!)


In Memoriam
Well, My diamond goby was making a mess in my tank and splashing sand around everywhere, and my corals were slowing becoming covered with sand. We tried to clear them of sand, but can't continue to do so for days. We decided to catch that bastard and remove him from my tank since he is killing my coral. Soon after, we found out that he is extremely stubborn and we now get why it took the store 2 hours to get him for us. We had 3 huge buckets in my room, and we decided to pull out my coral. Then we were out of buckets so we went to Boardroom and we borrowed four 5g buckets from Rich, also bought two 4.4g containers of saltwater. We came home and ripped out everything, fish, rocks, coral, crabs, snails, shrimp and put them in buckets until the only things in the tank were the diamond goby and sand. The we took out the diamon and put him in a bucket. The we waited about 1 hour for the sand to clear a bit. Then we started our adventure with aquascaping..... ONCE AGAIN! We soon stocked our coral, fish, shrimp, etc. back in the water. All my fish are looking fine, all swimming around and playing in the current so I hope they will be all right. I'll add some pictures in the next few days. I am happy with my aquascaping and VERY happy that we got him out of my tank and that he is finding a new owner (Marco.) Hope not to have to do this again.
Bummer, My Diamond Goby is awesome. He stays on the bottom and never gets close enough to my corals to do any harm (Dumping a load of sand on them). Then again, all of my SPS/LPS are mid level and up.

There is alot of things that can be done, but, Maybe you should put your coral closer to the top of your tank. I've been told they (Diamond Goby's) are really beneficial to a tank with a DSB, so moving your coral up might be more practical than stressing out all your fish trying to catch the little bugger.
she's brought him over already ... i just put him in our fuge about 30 minutes ago... we'll see how he does in my tank, or fuge for now.

Her tank is only a 29g - she had limited space witht he amount of rock she had in - but she cleaned out @ least 15 lbs now ... more for my fuge & sump. :)