Did I get taken?

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Crush Coral

New member
I bought some rics at a frag swap in northern WI last weekend. I got one blue, one orange and one yellow. The blue and orange were $15 each, the yellow he sole for $30 saying that it is rare. He also through in a green one for no charge. Are yellows rare and worth more?
It depends, did you buy it because he said it was rare, or that you like it and it's worth it since it looks cool either way :)
If they are all Ricordea Florida, $60 for 4 of them does seem a bit expensive, especially if they came from a "frag swap" Thats usually the best way of saving money buying from other local reef keepers. I just bought 12 heads of Ricordea Florida for varying prices between $5 and $8 a head, got a good mix of colors. Yellow ones are a little less common and IMO I would have passed on it at $30, however, some others would probably jump on the deal. It all comes down to the buyer and the particular shroom in question in the end.
Guess the fact that they look great in my tank is good enough. The swap only had about 20 tables so not much competition. Did also get a nice 3 head fs for $15, a free metalic mushroom, a $12 watermellon zoa, a frag of blue tort sps for $10, and a half a all red blasto mertili for $10. Looks good in my tank, guess I should clean the glass and take some pics. Thanks for the responses.
I bought some rics at a frag swap in northern WI last weekend. I got one blue, one orange and one yellow. The blue and orange were $15 each, the yellow he sole for $30 saying that it is rare. He also through in a green one for no charge. Are yellows rare and worth more?

I wouldn't say you were taken, but you could have gotten them a tad cheaper at $10 pp depending on their size. The key now is researching everything you are interested in buying before you actually purchase it. If one has no knowledge, you have nothing to rely on when deciding if you should or shouldn't make the purchase. Again, I'm not saying you were taken, but anyone who wants to sell something is of course going to market his/her product accordingly. Also, you mentioned it was a yellow ricordea. Looking down from the top of your tank, is it really yellow or just a light to pale orange polyp?

Good luck with them anyway.

Mucho Reef
If you liked the way they looked then you got a deal. If you don't like the way they look then you got taken. It all depends on if you like them enough to spend money on them.
I enjoy a good mix of color in my tank and for a nice bit of yellow I wouldn't have a problem with $30. If it was worth it to you, it was a good deal.
True yellow is pretty rare. A lot depends on the area you're in, but locally it never really shows up in the LFS and nobody has any in their tanks.

If they are all Ricordea Florida, $60 for 4 of them does seem a bit expensive, especially if they came from a "frag swap" Thats usually the best way of saving money buying from other local reef keepers. I just bought 12 heads of Ricordea Florida for varying prices between $5 and $8 a head, got a good mix of colors. Yellow ones are a little less common and IMO I would have passed on it at $30, however, some others would probably jump on the deal. It all comes down to the buyer and the particular shroom in question in the end.

Did you get yours from a dealer? if so where?
Did you get yours from a dealer? if so where?

About half of my ric's have come from locals either from frag swap or just going over and picking them up, the other half came from a shop I can not mention by name on the board due to their past advertising violations on the forum since they are not a vendor here.
Yellows are pretty rare. I have been collecting rics for the last 5 years and I only got my hands on a Yellow one few months ago. Let's see some pics of your Yellow Ric.
I have looked at a lot of rics over the last year or so and $15 each for a ric is a fair price so i don't think you got ripped off at all. Plus, if you ordered on line you would have paid a shipping price which adds to the price as well. Plus you said he gave you a green one for free.....while they are common, they are still nice and will round out your new collection.

There are some places like on ebay where you can get a grab bag of basic colors for less, but I think you are better off paying a few more dollars and getting nicer ones. Check out the internet and the RC sponsors and I am sure you will see some really nice colors that will stand out in your tank that will look great. I get most of mine from an internet site and they have great colors including yellow for around $15.

Okay, whey you guys say yellow ones are rare, are you using some standard like in a diamond that has a small inclusion to the eye of some other color or something? I just looked at the last place I bought's website they had six or seven yellow ones for $15 each. Carrea can you post the pic of yours so I will know a rare one when I see it and will make sure I grab it?
Here is a pic of one of the rics I mentioned above that is priced at $15. It is not pure yellow, but is the fact it is yellow rare?

Here is a pic of one of the rics I mentioned above that is priced at $15. It is not pure yellow, but is the fact it is yellow rare?


That ric would be priced like 8 to 12 bucks at the coral store I got some of my rics from. I do think it looks really nice, but not $30 nice in the OP's case.

Some people paying 15+ per head for common rics need to shop around a little more for better prices. And you can't justify paying a premium price locally on something basing it on what you would have paid in shipping charges online, you aren't buying online, it doesn't apply.
I think it is all based on the value that YOU the tank owner puts on it. I have overpaid for corals in the past but i didnt care because it was something that I wanted and I liked the way it looked.
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