Dinning room tank


New member
With the great help of Walker, we got the sump plumbed in and running. I ended up having to use 2 U tubes to keep the water level down enough in the tank for the skimmer box. Everything seems to be running smoothly. I still need to put some mud and chaeto in the fuge area. Barrett...awsome job making it. I decided to make the area for frags, the fuge area. Any advice or comments? Shoot away.

Here's a front view...sorry that it's so blue. I have not figured out how to rid of the blue when taking and saving pictures. I took the backing off today. I like it without the backing. It gives me more places to look and it looks more open and not crowded.


This is the only one that came out alright.

I like the Aquascaping. How did you attach your rocks? I've always used plastic ties but I hate that I cannot hide them fully. A cheap alternative to the blue backing is posterboard (I personally like black). I'll have to get with you sometime and do some zoo swapping (the blue tubs look awsome).
I didn't attach the rocks. I just fit them in to where they would not easily move. I have trains going by my house everyday and no problems with it. It's just when I get in the tank to move something that I have to be real careful. I origianlly put the blues closer to the top but I read later that they can lose their color if too close. So I dropped them to the lower section. It's probably going to be a while before I can frag any of the zoo's. I'm trying to
work out some things with them right now. I have not seen any sign of nudibranch, but some of the zoos are acting up. As soon as everything gets back in order and things start kicking off, I'll be giving you a shout Sanford. Right now I need to quit buying corals until I can get things worked out such as water parameters and the Aqua Controller Jr.
Here's another that I took with the camera phone.

I recently added some mineral mud and chaeto to the fuge area.