Depends on how much water you're treating.
I used to treat in a 5g container, only filled to 2.5g. I would do 1/2 a large dog interceptor pill (or substitute one small dog interceptor pill), 1/2 a fluke tab (bought from Big Al's or other fine fish retailer, both crushed and mixed, in the container with a heater and powerhead for 6-12 hours. 6 MINIMUM. Then you do TMPCC or another iodine at the ratio of 1ml:200ml or something like that. It says on the bottle. I once used google to calculate how much to put in to the 2.5g, but I forget now what that number was.
Now I would only treat softies with iodine maybe, I really wouldn't even bother treating them more often than not. I really only worry about SPS problems, since I've got so many SPS. I do the full blown treatment on all SPS that go into my tank, and have been doing it for years. I still got redbugs once.... I know that Jeff treats everything just in case, because he's had problems with ich coming into his tank from a piece of liverock and introducing it into his tank, after he carefully avoided any ich in his display for years.
Anyway, hope that helps.