Dip corals

what coral?

TMPCC- iodine based lugols like should help.
More info needed
My standard procedures (for everything, but I'm usually buying SPS)

iodine (Reef dip, TMPCC, etc.)
Fluke tabs
Visual inspection
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11569983#post11569983 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig
My standard procedures (for everything, but I'm usually buying SPS)

iodine (Reef dip, TMPCC, etc.)
Fluke tabs
Visual inspection


How many Interceptor tablets, Fluke tabs, and how ml of TMPCC?

Depends on how much water you're treating.

I used to treat in a 5g container, only filled to 2.5g. I would do 1/2 a large dog interceptor pill (or substitute one small dog interceptor pill), 1/2 a fluke tab (bought from Big Al's or other fine fish retailer, both crushed and mixed, in the container with a heater and powerhead for 6-12 hours. 6 MINIMUM. Then you do TMPCC or another iodine at the ratio of 1ml:200ml or something like that. It says on the bottle. I once used google to calculate how much to put in to the 2.5g, but I forget now what that number was.

Now I would only treat softies with iodine maybe, I really wouldn't even bother treating them more often than not. I really only worry about SPS problems, since I've got so many SPS. I do the full blown treatment on all SPS that go into my tank, and have been doing it for years. I still got redbugs once.... I know that Jeff treats everything just in case, because he's had problems with ich coming into his tank from a piece of liverock and introducing it into his tank, after he carefully avoided any ich in his display for years.

Anyway, hope that helps.
If you dont do anything else, I would absolutely do a visual. I have purchased several rics and coral lately and they have come in with the very small pest starfish that eats corals, asterina anomala. They blend in very good on the rock. You sometimes have to really look!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11570508#post11570508 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by db_triggerfish

How many Interceptor tablets, Fluke tabs, and how ml of TMPCC?


I do 1/2 of a small dog pill of interceptor, in 1-2 g of water overnight. Fluke tabs at the recommended dosage (I haven't done this much, or experimented with different dosages) for a 10 minute dip, then vigorously swish to see if anything drops off. I have Seachem Reef Dip instead of TMPCC, and I follow the directions on the bottle, which I believe is 5mL per gallon of water, for a 10 minute dip. I do FlatwormExit at twice the recommended strength, anywhere from 30 minutes to sometimes overnight during the interceptor treatment.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11573954#post11573954 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig
I do FlatwormExit at twice the recommended strength, anywhere from 30 minutes to sometimes overnight during the interceptor treatment.

Jeff, could you clarify this? Do you take the piece out of the interceptor and put it in the FE and then back into the interceptor? Not sure what you mean, but I like your method as it seems to be very thorough.
Wait so you just place it is ro/di water for 5 minutes. Doesn't that go against the whole philosophy of acclimation?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11575137#post11575137 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ninjamini
Wait so you just place it is ro/di water for 5 minutes. Doesn't that go against the whole philosophy of acclimation?

Treatment and quarantine isn't the same as acclimation. You can choose to do acclimation beforehand, then manipulate/treat that water, or use the water that it arrived in, or treat while acclimating (what I usually end up doing). Acclimation should probably be done prior to treatment, as it'll stress the coral less since it at least has cleaner water (in theory) than it's travel water.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11574636#post11574636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prideprops
Jeff, could you clarify this? Do you take the piece out of the interceptor and put it in the FE and then back into the interceptor? Not sure what you mean, but I like your method as it seems to be very thorough.

I always add FWE to the existing interceptor solution. I used to add it the following morning 30min to an hour before removing the corals, but after some experiements at going longer (like, when I forgot to pull them out), I realized it's fine even for an overnight duration. FWE itself is not toxic, it's the stuff that comes out of the flatworms that is. Assuming the new coral isn't absolutely crawling with them, I see no risk in a longer preventative dip.

After those are done, I usually move the corals to a bucket of new water for the remaining treatments.
Jeff, thanks for the info. I'm getting ready to relandscape my reef and I figured now would be a good time to do a dip. So, thanks ninjami for asking the question as I was also wondering what's the best way to go about it.