

New member
I just discovered what looks to be an octopus of some species. Probably was hiding in some LR. I can't identify what type it is and it's hard to find on the web. It only comes out at night when my lights go out and it doesn't swim. It crawls on the rocks and will make small jumps from rock to rock. The head is the color of LR and and the tentacles are short and brown. When it crawls on the rocks, the tentacles remain curled up. Only a coulple of instances I have noticed a short tentacle extend out. It is most interested and very small like 3/4 the size of a dime. When the flashlight is on it it will move fairly fast crawling on the rocks to hide.
Any hints?
try and catch it. put a bottle in their with food. tie a string to the top. when he crawls in for the food pull it up. if you need extra light use a red light harder for marine organisms to see.
I would love to take a picture of it, but it only comes out at night for one but more importantly I don't have an SLR type camera to capture anything that small and close with good resolution.